Leadership, innovation and strategy: 12 steps for sustainable growth.
Leadership, innovation and strategy: 12 steps for sustainable growth.

Make 2024 your Success Year full of New Developments 

I wish you a healthy and successful 2024.

A year full of new developments and growth, both business and personal.

Meeting new people, welcoming top clients and new collaborations.

Make 2024 your Success Year full of New Developments 
and Profitable Growth in Impact, Revenue and Freedom 

Networking is just like working. 

Networking is a powerful tool for personal and business/professional growth. Because networking opens new doors to new opportunities for growth. 

The way you sell, the way you buy (and visa versa)

People do business with people. We like to do business with those we know, like and trust.

And you have to build that trust and relationship first. You have to invest in that and this takes time and patience.

And this applies to offline networking as well as online networking. My favorite online networking platform is LinkedIn. It is where I am visible and active on a daily basis. 

How to network effectively on LinkedIn.

LinkedIn is my gold mine as I often describe it. An online networking platform where I post 5 to 6 posts a week and where I connect with my network daily. Both by responding to other posts with a valuable comment (and not just with a like). And mainly through the DM every day I connect with my network. Then new connections, new followers as well as connections I made myself. Because every week (with a free account) you can invite 100 new people to link. And I do. Every week.

My goal is to enrich my network with valuable new connections, connect with them, meet and greet 1-1 Zoom meetings and build relationships.

Short story about my recent LinkedIn success story.... 

A year ago, I connected with an ambitious entrepreneur on LinkedIn. We scheduled an online conversation and were in touch via DM several times after that. But it stopped there. She was clearly not ready at that time. 

A few months ago, she sent me a referral for another entrepreneur who wanted to take a new step and grow her business. Taking her position as a leader and adjusting her business accordingly. So she came to me via-via and after two good conversations, she stepped directly into my Unlimited Freedom Program with me.

So, with that in mind ... in addition to sales calls with potential clients, make time to network and enrich your network. Because the power of a good network is key. And connecting and building trust that takes time. Keep sowing in order to reap in the long run as well. 

This is how I built my business and my network on LinkedIn (now over 16,000 connections and followers). And my network I cherish, I spend time and energy on. That energy, which I get back in multiples. Both from my top clients and also in sales (money = energy = a medium of exchange for value).

People are mostly looking for the "shortcut" to build a successful business. 

I don't believe in that, I write a lot about that too. It starts with the foundation of yourself as a strong BRAND, of your business as well as building fundamental relationships.

My Framework Successful Networking

1. Set clear goals

Clearly define your (networking) goals. Are you looking for new clients, job openings (for your team/or freelancers) or industry/market insights? Knowing your goals will help you fine-tune your approach and better measure your success.

The right actions at the right time to achieve your goals

2. Make a strong elevator pitch

Create a concise and relevant elevator pitch that shows WHO you are, WHAT you do, WHO you would like to work with/seek and WHAT is/unique to you. 

Depending on your interviewer/situation - customize your elevator pitch (so make sure you have different valuable version)

3. Find connection and listen actively

Effective networking is a two-way street. Be genuinely interested in the other person. Make the connection and actively listen to understand their needs, challenges and goals. This is how you build rapport and lay the foundation for valuable contacts.

Stay in touch with each other. Even after the meeting look for each other again once every x weeks.

4. Be sincere and yourself

Authenticity is the key. Be yourself and let your personality shine through. Authentic connections are more likely to lead to lasting relationships and collaborations.

Go for the long haul. 

5. Use the online platforms - where your customer is

Take advantage of social media and networking platforms such as LinkedIn. Make sure your profiles (your personal profile and your company page) are up to date. Actively engage in posting valuable content, respond with valuable comments, make new connections and maintain your network.

Show yourself. Position and present yourself as an authority of your market.

6. Attend various events

Step out of your comfort zone and attend different events, both online and offline. This way you'll come in contact with different people and perspectives, which will enrich your network.

Schedule monthly networking meetings in your calendar. 

7. Follow up

After you make a connection, then send a personal message saying you enjoy connecting. Also state why you are inviting someone and want to add them to your network. 

People are not concerned with you, they are concerned with themselves. What does it get them? 

8. Give, give, give and offer value

Networking is not just about taking; rather, it is the power of giving. Offer your expertise, share valuable content or make introductions that benefit others. Building a reputation as a giver increases your networking success.

If you can give, then you can multiply.

9. Build and maintain relationships

Networking is an ongoing process. Nurture your connections by keeping your contact warm, offering support and celebrating their successes (as well as lesser moments). Building and maintaining relationships is at the heart of effective networking.

People do business with people.

10. Invest and develop by

Stay on top of developments in the market, as well as among your target audience. Invest in your own development. Learn new strategies, refine your skills and stay abreast of the latest trends in the market, with your client and in networking.

Wishing you an opMARKable and profitable 2024 

Work with top clients who get the best results with your value.

If you can divide, then you can multiply.

ChatGPT: GROW Accelerator - Conversion 

"Describe my ideal target audience for [ product/service ] in [ specific niche ]. 

Create a detailed profile that includes demographics, interests, pain points, and behaviors. Using SWOT analysis.

Provide insights and opportunities for my [ product/service ].  

Also "Help me set up a system to monitor and analyze performance metrics for my [ website/channel ] in the [ specific niche ].

 One Life. Lead it. Live it.

Have a great week and 2024 wishes,



On Friday, January 19, 2024, I am hosting the Live Business Strategy Meeting.

A whole day with a group of ambitious like-minded people we work on together:

- How you can strengthen your leadership position.

- Be able to create/add more value to your offering.

- How to attract and retain more top clients.

- And will lay down your own strong growth plan for 2024.

So that you know what you have to do in 2024.

And grow profitably as a Leader in impact, revenue and freedom.

Do you already want to strengthen your position and take charge? In your life, your business and of the market? Strategically guarantee your growth?

Claim your spot now


Do you decide to enter my Unlimited Freedom Premium Program before December 31, 2023? Then your spot for the Live Business Strategy Meeting and get instant access to the exclusive Leaders in Business Club. The community for intelligent, High-Value and Performance-driven Executives, Leaders and Entrepreneurs who want to Grow in Impact, Revenue and Freedom.

How can you work with me?

  1. Tailored Strategic Consulting - No need for a long-term collaboration? But do you need concrete and quick strategic advice, which you can start working with immediately afterwards? Can be scheduled directly for 1.5 hours or 1 day. 
  2. Program Unlimited Freedom - In 16 weeks, a remarkable leadership position and a profitable strategy, so you know exactly what you need to do to achieve your goals.
  3. Premium Program Unlimited Freedom - 6 to 12 months based on subscription model. Completely free, based on your needs I stand beside you as a strategic business partner. As Leader of your Future where unlimited free will live and do business on your terms. Investing in your value, the value of your business and the value of your financial future.
  4. Women's Business Club An exclusive Women Leadership BC focused on visionary leadership, networking, cocreation, value-driven entrepreneurship and empowerment. Both online and offline (collaboration and networking), Business meetings, Masterminds, Guest Speakers, company visits and mentoring. For women leaders in business and top business and highly educated professionals. 