Personal branding
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Sometimes you have life-changing choices to make in your life....

Sometimes you have choices to make in your life that have consequences. 

Making choices because they are better for yourself, for your own health and happiness.

Because in the end, that is your greatest asset, your most valuable asset.

For me, this time of year has taken on a special meaning, 

a moment I have been consciously reflecting on for 5 years now.

The choices I've made in my life, 

What it has cost me and delivered.

The Christmas song I used to learn in school, 

'There is a baby born on earth' 

has taken on a whole new meaning.

By my choice,
our second child was never born.

Our lives go with peaks and valleys,
And since my decision to get out of this valley,
has the Christmas song "There is a baby born on earth.
took on a whole new meaning.

Because because of my decision, our second child was never born.
That hurt and I ignored that sadness for a long time.

After all, hadn't I chosen it myself?
And you still have a beautiful healthy son.

So how about mourning?
Drying tears and moving on.

But deep down, it hurt.
And we shared that sometimes together, but often alone.

The guilt I carried with me for years,
And sometimes I feel the pain again.


By MY choice, my husband's wish was not fulfilled,
By MY choice, Pim has no sibling.

I was the one who wanted to stop the fertility treatments,
I'm the one who couldn't go on, I had to give up,
Giving up, at the expense of my own health and happiness.
And that felt like failure, like giving up prematurely.

Now I look at my decision and love giving differently.
Because I had to do this in order to live lovingly.

And then today is Christmas again.
Already the 5th Christmas since then.

Today I celebrate life,
The life given to us.

During my life, I want to give everything,
To those people who pass that on again.

Merry Christmas



One Life. Lead it. Live it. ❤️

Dear Jelle and Pim,
Thank you.
For Love
Our Happiness &
Our Life
Together ❤️


On Friday, January 19, 2024, I am hosting the Live Business Strategy Meeting.

A whole day with a group of ambitious like-minded people we work on together:

- How you can strengthen your leadership position.

- Be able to create/add more value to your offering.

- How to attract and retain more top clients.

- And will lay down your own strong growth plan for 2024.

So that you know what you have to do in 2024.

And grow profitably as a Leader in impact, revenue and freedom.

Do you already want to strengthen your position and take charge? In your life, your business and of the market? Strategically guarantee your growth?

Claim your spot now on Jan. 19, 2024!


Do you decide to enter my Unlimited Freedom Premium Program before December 31, 2023? Then your spot for the Live Business Strategy Meeting and get instant access to the exclusive Leaders in Business Club. The community for intelligent, High-Value and Performance-driven Executives, Leaders and Entrepreneurs who want to Grow in Impact, Revenue and Freedom.

How can you work with me?

  1. Tailored Strategic Consulting - No need for a long-term collaboration? But do you need concrete and quick strategic advice, which you can start working with immediately afterwards? Can be scheduled directly for 1.5 hours or 1 day. 
  2. Program Unlimited Freedom - In 16 weeks, a remarkable leadership position and a profitable strategy, so you know exactly what you need to do to achieve your goals.
  3. Premium Program Unlimited Freedom - 6 to 12 months based on subscription model. Completely free, based on your needs I stand beside you as a strategic business partner. As Leader of your Future where unlimited free will live and do business on your terms. Investing in your value, the value of your business and the value of your financial future.
  4. Women's Business Club An exclusive Women Leadership BC focused on visionary leadership, networking, cocreation, value-driven entrepreneurship and empowerment. Both online and offline (collaboration and networking), Business meetings, Masterminds, Guest Speakers, company visits and mentoring. For women leaders in business and top business and highly educated professionals. 