Maximizing potential and value

The art of profitable growth through innovation and strategic leadership

The reality of business growth is challenging and does not follow a linear path. Each stage of growth brings its own unique challenges and opportunities. As you may know, I am an advocate of growing profitably and maximizing your potential and value. Not only in revenue, but also in time, energy, impact and personal satisfaction. 

The reality of business growth: recognize your growth stage

Running a business and growing profitably is not a straight line to success. Rather, it is a winding path full of ups and downs, where each stage requires new leadership skills, systems/frameworks and strategies. Understanding your company's growth phases is crucial to adapting your strategy, avoiding problems (both internal and external) and realizing your full potential.

Therefore, recognizing your current growth stage is essential to:

  • Adjust your strategy in a timely manner. Are you still heading toward your goal?
  • Get ahead of potential problems and challenges. What changes are going on with myself, my company, in the market and with my (top) clients?
  • Making the right decisions at crucial moments. Are you still the right person in the right place? What will you do more, not do more, do differently or change/improve? 
  • Engaging your full potential and value. Am I doing what I am good at and energized by? Am I doing the right things and with the right people that I want to spend my time and energy on and make the most impact with?

The power of asking good questions to arrive at good answers and choices. 

But what are the crucial growth stages and how can you strategically excel at each stage?

The four key stages of business growth

Herewith a visual representation of the growth stages of your business, with the specific challenges that each growth stage presents:

capitalize on value

As you can see in the illustration, there are several switching and choice moments in the life cycle of your business:

1. Start-up phase: laying the foundation

Challenge: Achieve clear positioning and consistent revenue growth.

Focus: Laying a solid foundation. This is about finding your unique place in the market, attracting your first customers and generating sales.

Why leadership and strategy are critical: This phase is all about establishing your unique leadership position in the marketplace. You develop your value proposition, attract initial customers and begin to generate sales. The key to success here is not only hard work, but more importantly strategic leadership:

  • Vision-driven: Formulate a crisp mission and vision that inspires
  • Positioning strongly: Define your top customer and incomparable value proposition 
  • Strategic visibility: Create targeted visibility with your specific target audience
  • Focused experimentation: Test different approaches, but keep focus on what really makes an impact

Strategic insight: Many entrepreneurs get stuck at this stage due to lack of focus and too broad and unclear positioning and wanting to be there for everyone. Dare to choose and specialize. Outside, be clear who you are there for and what value you have to offer and what it brings to the otherwise. And inside (read in your company) you can offer so much more with all the value and expertise you have in you. 

2. Growth phase: building systems and team

Challenge: Innovation, value creation and scaling of team and processes.

Focus: Building a strong team, implementing efficient systems and creating value for your customers.

Now that you have a solid foundation, it's time to build. This phase requires developing:

  • An A-team: Gather people who have complementary skills as well as share your vision. Experts who help you further strategically and bring new knowledge and expertise and who are also driven to grow with you. You are growing and developing as the leader of your company and you need your team to grow along with you, so they accelerate your growth and enrich value, not stunt your growth.
  • Scalable systems: Implement frameworks and processes that support growth without taking more time. Describe all your processes so that it is clear to your team how to work and can also be inducted quickly.
  • Innovation culture: Create an environment of continuous improvement and change
  • Customer value: Keep responding to changing needs of the market and your target/top customers.

Strategic insight: The biggest growth blocker in this phase is often yourself. Often due to the inability, and fear/uncertainty to let go and delegate. Build systems that free you up as a leader, that allow you to reclaim your time and make your presence less necessary.

3. Maturity phase: optimizing and upgrading.

Challenge: Diversify, upgrade supply and create security.

Focus: Optimizing your value creation, increasing your profit margins and diversifying your offerings to stay ahead of competition.

At this stage you have achieved what many strive for: a stable, relevant and profitable business. But this is precisely when the danger of stagnation looms. Prevent this by:

  • Strategic diversification: Expand into adjacent markets or complementary services
  • Premium and high-value offerings: Increase the value (and value-driven price) of your offerings for specific segments
  • Profit optimization: Refine and enrich your processes for higher margins, not just for more volume. This is about more profit in your time, energy, money, as well as impact and value. How can you free yourself up more, buy back (reinvest) your time and thereby grow further profitably?
  • Strategic partnerships: Create collaborations that strengthen your position, as well as add new value.

Strategic insight: In this phase, the key to breakthrough lies not in working harder, but in innovating your business/earnings model and increasing your strategic relevance and forward-looking growth.

Why value and profit optimization are crucial: At this stage, it is important to prevent your business from stagnating. You must continue to innovate and adapt to remain relevant and successfully grow into the future.

4. Conservation phase: securing the future.

Challenge: Deciding on acquisition, transformation or an exit strategy.

Focus: Ensuring the future of your business, creating security, encouraging further growth and achieving personal freedom.

After years of building up, you reach a point where fundamental decisions about the future must be made:

  • Exit strategy: Preparing for sale, succession or merger
  • Transformation: Innovating the business fundamentally for the next phase of growth
  • Building Legacy: Ensuring that your impact continues even without your daily involvement
  • Personal freedom: Structuring your role so that the company serves you, not the other way around

Strategic insight: The most successful entrepreneurs start thinking about this phase as early as the maturity stage, so they can choose from strength and freedom, not necessity.

Why forward-looking security, growth and freedom are crucial: After years of hard work, you want to reap the rewards, right? You want to leave behind a company that remains successful, whether you choose an acquisition, a transformation or some other route. Are you already thinking about your future and have an exit strategy?

Now it's time to look at the strategies you can employ to be successful at each stage.

From insight to action: The strategic next step

Recognizing your current phase is only the beginning. The real value lies in taking the right actions that fit your growth phase:

  1. Identify your growth stage: Which of the four phases are you and your business currently in? Test your own growth potential here and find out what stage of growth you are in now.
  2. (Re)know your challenge: What specific growth blocks are you experiencing within this phase? Whether personal, business or financial?
  3. Determine your priorities (strategy and execution): Focus on up to three strategic initiatives that transcend your current phase so you can continue to scale and grow.
  4. Develop the necessary skills: Each stage requires new leadership skills. Keep developing yourself to grow. After all, your company cannot grow beyond you as a leader and entrepreneur. 

Every level a new position and strategy.

Where many stagnate, stay put and struggle with the symptoms of their challenges, the true visionary strategic leader focuses on the underlying patterns and systems that enable new growth and success.

Is effortless entrepreneurship possible? Evaluating helps you gain overview and balance

From surviving and being lived to strategically excelling and leading

As an ambitious and driven entrepreneur, you face a choice: settle for incremental improvement or break through to a new level of strategic leadership and profitable growth.

What phase-specific challenge is currently holding you back the most, and what strategic shift in your position and strategy could be the biggest breakthrough for you?

 One Life. Lead it. Live it.

Have a great week,


Empowered Letters is a strategic newsletter for visionary leaders of the future who want to grow not harder but profitably in all areas.

PS. If you'd like to know how I can help you, your position or your business become the visionary leader of your life and your business in strategic proprietary ways, schedule a strategic conversation with me. I will be happy to discuss what opportunities and growth possibilities I foresee for you.

When you are ready for your transformation to success and growth for the future

✅ Ready to do things differently? Start to Lead your Life and Business including Leaders of the Future Community

✅ Want more time and freedom for yourself and grow your business?  Scale to Unlimited Freedom

✅ Working together on the new future and focusing on healthy living, leadership and entrepreneurship? Life, Leadership & Legacy including The high-value Health & Business Leadership Club

✅ A 4-week Sprint collaboration for your specific strategic issue: Whether it's your LinkedIn Sprint, Strategic Positioning Sprint or Growth Sprint.... Your strategic issue developed into a clear plan with the right actions to achieve your 2025 result. 

Because you want to get more out of life AND

Continue to grow profitably personally, professionally and financially

PS2. Don't have an understanding of your own growth potential and growth stage right now?

Do the Free Strategic Leadership & Growth Scan that pinpoints exactly what stage your business is in, and where the growth potential lies for you personally, business-wise and financially. Answer the questions and immediately receive a personalized action plan to make your business Future-Fit, and grow to a new level of impact, profit and freedom.

Developed based on 20+ years of experience in international companies and as a strategic business partner of dozens of entrepreneurs.

Invest in yourself, invest in your business and invest in your future

Achieve greater returns and grow profitably on a personal, business and financial level

Book tips:

Books that have helped me:


John Lewis Gaddis - On strategic thinking
Patrick-Bet David & Greg Dinkin - Your Next Five Moves: Master the Art of Business Strategy
Alex Hormozi$100M Leads
Alex Hormozi$100M Offers

Leadership & Entrepreneurship

The Diary of a CEO - Steven Bartlett
Tribes - Seth Godin
Principles - Ray Dalio
The Lean Startup - Eric Ries
Leaders Eat Last - Simon Sinek
Leading From The Emerging Future - C Otto Scharmer
Transformational Presence - Alan Seale
The Big Leap - Gay Hendricks

PS. I have a whole book list. If you are interested and would like to receive my favorite books list? Send me a message and I'll send you my favorites list. 

Divide = multiply.

As a Visionary and Strategic Leader of Your Future 

Living and Entrepreneurship on Your Own Terms
