Healthy business
Healthy business starts with you as an entrepreneur. Make your business financially healthy and work on your own vitality.

A financially healthy company starts with a healthy leader

Time flies and we are already halfway through the third quarter of 2024. 

For me, a period of slowing down, reflecting, recharging in order to accelerate again. Consciously, because I know what it brings me. And you, what does it get you when you consciously slow down? 

Many times we are looking for something new, because we are bursting with ideas. But the risk is that you lose focus and tackle all kinds of things halfway and don't finish anything.

Reflection and helicopter view

As a leader and entrepreneur of your company, you have to regularly and consciously step back, so that you can hover over the matter from a distance. Taking a helicopter view of whether you are still on course, whether you are still doing the right things. Time to analyze the developments in the market, your clients and yourself. This way you can adjust your course in time and make sure it stays in line with your strategic plan to achieve your goals.

A financially healthy company starts with a healthy leader

With 20 years of corporate business experience, 15 years as a trainer/instructor in the sports industry, and as an entrepreneur and investor, I assess my personal, business and financial leadership in three areas:

  1. A healthy lifestyle
  2. Sound business practices
  3. A financially healthy future

Leadership in change 

Entrepreneurs often wait too long to implement innovations, improvements and embark on new growth paths. They look primarily at their company's financial indicators such as revenue, profit and market share and meanwhile miss important signals about the real health of their business. And even stronger (worse), their own health. And if you leave healthy gains there already, you lose personal strength, fitness and alertness. And then you are often too late to take the right actions at the right time!

Healthy leadership in your life and business for a healthy future = Continue to grow relevantly and forward-looking personally, professionally and financially

Financially sound

Reflect quarterly (not just in the summer or at the end of the year 😉 ) on the health of yourself, your business and your finances.

How healthy do you live and what priority do you give to your health? Are you spending your time and energy on the things that matter? Where are you losing time and energy and what do you have to do to plug that leak? In a subsequent Empowered Letters, I'll take a closer look at healthy personal leadership. And what impact your healthy lifestyle has on your performance and successes. Because that's the foundation of being able to lead a healthy life and successful business. 

And in advance of the floor:

On my other website Investjij I also write about investing in yourself, investing in your business and investing in your future. 

Also on my website I also write blogs about health & business strategies for personal and business growth, e.g. my blog: Women entrepreneurs and leaders: framework for personal development and business growth.

In these Empowered Letters, I put the focus on the health of your business. 

The health of your business

The true health of your business revolves around how smart, flexible and future-proof you are as a company. This ensures that you are prepared for change and development as a growth company. Your financial results say something about the success of your company in the short term, but give no guarantee about the expected results and growth in the longer term. It is not about today's profitability, but about the innovations, value creation and strategic (and technological - including Artificial Intelligence) implementations that your company applies to take advantage of tomorrow's opportunities.

financially sound

What is my market value and the relevance of your value?

The health of your business diminishes if your company is in danger of losing its position and added value for your top customers. Are new players using new business models active? Is it becoming more difficult to retain top customers as well as to attract new top customers? Then that is a signal that customer wishes and desires are changing. If your products and services do not respond adequately, or respond too late, your market value and relevance will decline and you will eventually lose out to the competition.

Is my positioning and value proposition still right for me?

Another important insight about the health of your business concerns the expertise, skills and value you have. What have you invested in that ? And have you then also added the new value of your investments into your offering a positioned for the right (new) top customers. So does your top customer still suit you or do you have to reposition yourself?

To maintain the health of your business, generating new growth opportunities is important. This requires constant attention to finding and developing new and relevant value. New value from you, new value from your business to create new growth opportunities for your profitable growth - and thus the value of your total assets.

Are you struggling to attract the right top clients? Are your top clients' desires and needs changing? Is it time for a different revenue model? Is your value, expertise and offering no longer distinctive and attractive? Or is your new value completely out of sync with your current position? 

Think of them as valuable warning signs about the health of your business.

Stay alert, stay healthy and keep growing!

 One Life. Lead it. Live it.

Have a healthy week,


Strategic sound business, 

so you can spend your time and energy on those things that matter.

Whenever you are ready:

✅ PREMIUM 1:1 Leadership Coaching - starting at 6 months
Successful women leaders and entrepreneurs looking to grow personally, professionally and financially. From 6 months on a subscription model basis, executive and leadership coaching. Completely free, based on your needs, I stand beside you as a strategic business partner. Because as Leader of your Future, you want to live and do business on your terms without limits. Investing in your leadership position, your value, the value of your business and the value of your financial future.

Included - Health & Business Leadership Club, my exclusive Leadership Lab for my PREMIUM clients.

✅Program Unlimited Freedom

*START-UP: Women & Leadership Community

  • A 1.5-hour Learn & Connect Meeting every month
  • Online private platform
  • Connect, learn, connect and collaborate

**SCALE-UP: Group Program Unlimited Feedom 

  • Access to the private Women & Leadership Community
  • Access to my Online Academy where you can work on your own remarkable leadership position and profitable strategy.
  • Live Q&A sessions every two weeks (including recordings)
  • Includes all recordings Learn & Connect Meetings
  • Includes recordings Masterclasses

***FREEDOM: 1:1 Program Unlimited Freedom - from 16 weeks
A Premium 1:1 partnership where you go all-in. Full access to the Community, Academy and direct access to me. Take a new step as a leader and grow profitably on personal, business and financial leadership. 

  • Direct contact line via WhatsApp/privat chat
  • Includes all my templates, frameworks, worksheets
  • The opportunity for PREMIUM Freedom leaders and entrepreneurs (from 6 months): join the Health & Business Leadership Club.

You can sign up now or become an immediate member of my Women Leadership Community.  

 Claim your leadership spot here

✅ Retreat Health & Business Leadership Meeting on Terschelling
Working with a group of like-minded people on health, mental/physical health, healthy and nutritious food, active outdoor activities, business meetings and workshops. Several days "out of office" and surround yourself with a group of like-minded people who, like you, want to grow as a healthy leader in a healthy and growing business and financially healthy future. For anyone who wants to grow in their own healthy way.

Living life as a healthy leader of a healthy future-proof business and financially sound future.

Invest in yourself, invest in your business and invest in your future. Achieve greater returns and grow profitably on a personal and business level

PS. If you would like to know how I can help you, your position or your company become the visionary leader of your life and business in your own remarkable way, schedule a free appointment with me. I will be happy to discuss what opportunities and growth possibilities I foresee for you.

The Healthy Leader of Your Future = Healthy Living and Business on Your Own Terms

Book tips:

Books that have helped me in my Framework Business Strategy

John Lewis Gaddis - On strategic thinking

Patrick-Bet David & Greg Dinkin - Your Next Five Moves: Master the Art of Business Strategy

Alex Hormozi$100M Leads

Alex Hormozi$100M Offers

PS. I have a whole book list. If you are interested and would like to receive my favorite books list? Send me a message and I'll send you my favorites list. Sharing = multiplying.
