
Feeling overworked?

Overworked and underappreciated? 

"It's not you-it's your approach." The power of strategic leadership Do you recognize yourself feeling overworked and undervalued? It's time to change your approach, not yourself. How are you seen, heard and appreciated for what you do and the impact you make? Because working harder is not the solution. Fascinated by the challenges and psychological side of female leadership. And that combined

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From hourly rate to package price , here's how to do it

6 Benefits of switching from hourly rate to package price

As an entrepreneur in the service industry, you've probably started charging an hourly rate. This seems logical: You get paid for the time you spend on an assignment. But more and more business owners are discovering the benefits of a package rate. In this blog, I explain why switching from hourly rate to package pricing can be beneficial not only for you, but also for your clients. What is a Package Price? A package price

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Personal branding

Stop overthinking and take action

You have a brilliant idea, but instead of taking action, you lose yourself in endless analysis. Overthinking - a silent saboteur that can slow your growth and block your progress. Overanalyzing kills your progress In my three years as an entrepreneur, I have met many talented, driven women. Ambitious fast thinkers, full of potential and ideas. What struck me is that many are excellent at describing what they want

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Leadership, innovation and strategy: 12 steps for sustainable growth.

Where others stagnate, you can break through and grow profitably

As a female leader or entrepreneur, you understand better than anyone else the crucial role of investing, innovating, and creating new value. This is the key to continue to grow both personally and professionally, and of course in financial freedom. Your growth goes beyond just increasing sales; it's about impact, meaningful growth, and freedom in every sense of the word. That's profitable growth in impact, revenue

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The true unpolished art of taking responsibility

What is your current position, role and are your responsibilities? Does it still match your expertise, potential and the value you deliver? It's all about taking responsibility. Are you in the right place and do you have the freedom to do what you are good at and energized by? AND do you take 100% responsibility for it? Advancement opportunities when you are ready for the next step

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Leadership, innovation and strategy: 12 steps for sustainable growth.

From procrastination to DOING - The art of execution

The right actions at the right time for and by the right people Hard truth: Good ideas are cheap, execution is golden. Good ideas abound, but execution? That's where the greatest opportunity for success (and challenge 😊) lies. Why does it seem like some people make their dreams come true "effortlessly," while others get stuck in the endless planning phase? Or worse, procrastinate and thus get caught up in

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doing nothing is also a choice

Doing nothing is also a choice

But what would happen if you did dare to take that new step? For all women who want to change. Women who are ready for change. Women like you. There comes a time when you can no longer ignore what your body and your heart have been trying to tell you for a while. That there is more to you, more than just meeting expectations, more than just 'good enough'.

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Strategic repositioning: An evaluation of whether you are still in your right position.

Successful leaders and entrepreneurs always have their strategic leadership position, strategic planning and insights clear and in focus. They know how to switch gears to accelerate when opportunities and challenges arise, but also when to switch off in order to lead again as leaders from focus and calm. Strategic repositioning plays an important role in this, allowing them to respond to changes in their environment and ensure

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High-quality leadership: innovation and strategy for successful long-term growth.

Strategic Leadership and Connecting Networks

Strengthen your Leadership and Increase your Value in the Women & Leadership Community Because you are worth being heard, seen and appreciated We all have so much beauty in us, so much value to offer. With which we make great impact and make the world a little more beautiful together. As women leaders and entrepreneurs, we make impact, create value and want to grow to create more value.

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