change your mindset

Change Your Mindset, Change Your Life: A Conversation with Patricia Smeekes

In the video below, we discuss how to become a strong leader and change your reality by transforming your mindset. Patricia Smeekes, a successful entrepreneur and client of my Unlimited Freedom Program, shares her inspiring journey. In this premium program, we worked intensively together for six months on her leadership position, personal growth, and business successes. Change your mindset, change your life.

Patricia's Story: Self-love as Foundation

Patricia is not only a passionate entrepreneur, but also a single mother of three beautiful daughters. She has learned the importance of self-love for personal growth and business success. Self-love, for Patricia, means daring to be fully yourself, accepting yourself, and acting from that acceptance. It's about recognizing what you need, and then having the courage and discipline to fulfill those needs.

The Challenges of Leadership

During our conversation, Patricia talks about her journey to self-love and leadership. She explains the importance of recognizing what gives you energy and what takes energy away. For Patricia, it is crucial to take time for oneself, take walks, and schedule moments of rest. She emphasizes that self-love is not only about gentleness, but also about having the courage to turn inward, understand yourself, and then take action to create a better life.

Working smarter and more strategically

An important part of Patricia's success is her ability to work strategically. She learned this during our journey, where we focused on working more efficiently, leaving more time and energy for the things that truly make her happy. This also meant letting go of beliefs that limited her and taking charge of her own life and business.

Inspiring Results

Patricia's journey has led to impressive results. She has built her business in a way that suits her and has learned to stand firmly for who she is and what she does. This has brought her not only success in her business, but also more balance and satisfaction in her personal life. She has brought in two new top clients during our collaboration, which is a great validation of her growth and leadership.


Patricia's story shows how powerful a changed mindset can be. By putting self-love first and working strategically, she has not only grown her business but also enriched her personal life. Her experience is an inspiring example for anyone who is ready to take the step of change and become the leader of their own life.

Watch the full video to hear more about Patricia's experiences and discover how you too can transform your mindset for personal and business growth. Or schedule a free call with Gerdi in.
