Framework thinking for greater success
Framework thinking for greater success

Framework Thinking is the superpower of the 21st century

Strategic Design Thinking: Framework Thinking is the superpower of the 21st century."

 - Gerdi Hulsink

Strategy, systems, structuring ... many pull away white and stop reading now. But not you, because you know it's going to help you achieve your goals.  

I hear it so often. Working from flow, in your zone of genius and it should all be easy and come flying. Yes indeed that sounds like Valhalla, but for 99.9% of people it is also a daily challenge. Because when are you in that nice flow that you forget about time and that you are fully concentrated at work? And how long do you keep that up? And then also that you work on your goals with focus on the right actions at the right time and manage to achieve them....

If you want to build and grow a successful business, you have to take action, want to do the right things, and (especially in the beginning) that requires more of you. Because as a leader, you have to do everything, including things that don't suit you, don't like, and cost you more time and energy than you care about. 

And that is actually true for all (new) function and things you do in your life. Change requires action, effort, perseverance, resilience and leadership.

So how is it that one person seems to come off easier than another? That the other person does achieve the successes you would like too. 

A few reasons why you are NOT succeeding (yet):

  • Perfectionism
  • Imposter Syndrome
  • The excess of distractions through social media, email, colleague, phone, environment....
  • Poor time management, planning
  • Lower in your energy, health and lifestyle 

And something that's guaranteed to help you with this, and many of us don't want to hear this, but it works...Systems, routines, regularity. We are averse to them, but what do we do very well on them.

Framework Thinking

Frameworks are strategically devised systems that help you structure and ensure overview and focus. That you know WHICH right things you are going to do that are needed at the time. Does that always go well? No, we are humans and not robots. Will it help you accomplish more in less time? YES, absolutely.

I regularly share frameworks in my Empowered Letters and of course during my collaborations with my clients directly and customized. Because we all have our own preferences, our own rhythms and our own way of learning and working. And that is leading, one way or the other. But then when you know where you are missing opportunities and profits? Where you don't strategically use your time, energy and costs (all your value) smartly, then at the bottom of the line you are left with less. You leave profit and thus value on the table. And that sucks: for yourself, your business (and therefore your customers) and your financial future.

Comes that once again my quote:

Strategic Design Thinking: Framework Thinking - is the superpower of the 21st century."

 - Gerdi Hulsink

Take advantage of it, in your own idiosyncratic way.

The Benefits of Framework Thinking

Framework Thinking bid a solution-oriented approach to solve problems and challenges. It is a way of thinking and working in a certain structured way.

Framework Thinking helps you tackle problems creatively and innovatively and find solutions that are often different, not obvious. In fact, it gives new insights and perspectives. And once you have developed a framework to solve a specific problem. And then know how to implement that correctly in your own situation, for your challenging problem. Then the framework will through the power of repetition become a habit. After all, it's a new system that you're introducing a new way of working that you're going to use. 

The Disadvantages of Framework Thinking

Of course, as with any thinking framework, Framework Thinking also has some drawbacks. The process of Framework Thinking can time-consuming are. It requires research and repeated (and new) steps to arrive at innovative solutions. As a result, the process may take longer.

Framework Thinking is focused on understanding the context and through assumptions the process can complex Becoming. It can be difficult to pick out the common thread, know where/how to start and keep an overview.

The resistance to change, to start doing things differently than you're used to. That's a challenge for many people anyway. And Framework Thinking - solving your problem does require you to start doing it differently. It can take time to convince yourself and others of the value of your new approach.

By experimenting and adapting your current situation and way of working, there is a degree of uncertainty. And like any innovation, not all new ideas are equally successful, and this can be frustrating for some people.

But regardless, these drawbacks outweigh the benefits. Framework Thinking is an innovative and valuable approach, especially for challenging problems where standard methods fall short. So if you want to do things SMALLLY differently and become more Profitable...I'd be happy to think with you how you are going to achieve this

If you do what you've always done, you know what you'll get. 

Working strategically smarter to achieve more and grow again.

For the floor: 

Continue reading my blog - Framework Thinking for creative solutions and greater success

DOING what you are darn good at, energize and make an impact with

1) Commitment - You are going to do it

Your brain needs to be focused for 10-20 minutes to get into proper action mode.

These minutes feel drawn out and boring. 

And then what do we do. We look for distractions and think of reasons to avoid it.

But if you get distracted, interrupted or switch tasks during that time...then you know one thing for sure, you will never get into action and certainly not into your rhythm to go to work.

Most people will not get into a flow state because they never commit to it. Stick to intentions and don't make the decision to do it. 


Put yourself in do mode and get yourself into action mode. Why, because you want this. You want to achieve your goals, grow both personally and professionally. You go for it.

2) Challenge - You are looking for something new

That fine action mode occurs when you are engaged in tasks that are mostly just above your current skill level. If your task is too easy, your brain won't concentrate. If it's too difficult, your brain won't bother to try.

To solve this, follow the 10% rule - Perform tasks that are 10% above your current skills. And on top of that, do 1% better every day than you did yesterday. Then you will not only be challenged, you will see and experience your growth and progress. 

3) Clear purpose - You know who you are doing what for and why

Your brain needs a clear goal to get and stay in action. 

Instead of saying, "I spend 90 minutes working on my LinkedIn content."

Say, "I will draft a 500-word LinkedIn post in 45 minutes."

Or if you're working on a big new assignment, like finishing a book, or a new offering? Chop it into smaller pieces that you can complete in 1-2 hours.

My Framework: The Compound Effect to reinforce your annual goals: I create a clear and strategic annual plan, which I then break down into quarters. So that I start each quarter with a new challenging goal and deploy the right actions, which keeps me in action mode, keeps working on new value and creation and I keep growing. And the side benefit of this Framework for your annual goals, every quarter you stack new value. And the effect of stacking over time - The Compound Effect - which is great. And that goes for your personal goals, your business goals and your financial goals.

Invest and innovate to grow as a leader of your life, business and financial future for more Impact, Revenue & Freedom.

4) Your own rhythm, own way and natural preference

Your action mode, flow, Zone of Genius ... is a neurobiological state. Most people can naturally sustain action mode for 60-180 minutes. 

Don't go beyond that. You will crash and then you won't allow yourself time to relax as well. And just like in sports, it's effort and relaxation. Both are essential to maintain maximum performance and take good care of yourself.  

I personally stick to 60 to 90 minutes maximum and then take a break. Then I really do something else, exercise anyway and give my brain time to wander, discharge and replenish new fresh energy.

What is your own rhythm, where do you naturally go well? Are you aware of that?

5) Digi-minimizing - Remove distractions

Nothing is more tempting and energy leaking than distraction. The average working person is distracted every 3 minutes. Read again, every 3 minutes. Bizarrely often. And it takes you an average of 23 minutes to refocus.

To get into a flow state, you have to become unreachable. 

  • Put your phone away. 
  • Turn off notifications. 
  • Schedule blocks in your calendar when you check and answer social media, your email.
image for newsletter on framework thinking

Leadership - taking charge of your own life and business

I noticed that I was too distracted and guided by all the incoming emails, messages and responses to posts. And that I was spending a lot of time present on LinkedIn. Because I genuinely enjoy being on LinkedIn and LinkedIn is also my focus platform for me. But leading with focus and spending my time and energy with a clear purpose. So I consciously started digi-minimizing. Online at set times, responding to posts and messages and offline in the evening after dinner. 

6) Condition yourself

Your action mode, your flow, like everything else, can become a habit. And you can also influence that positively by creating associations for your brain to get into your action mode, for example:

  • A good workspace/office space, allowing you to separate work/life well.
  • Certain music, e.g. a separate Spotify playlist that you only listen to when you work.

I different playlists that I listen to when doing different types of work. Binaural beats when I need to concentrate really well. And e.g. Happy Hardcore/Dance music when I want to move after a block of deepwork and dance my head off. And... I go great on apres-ski music when I'm in C-minor. This music peps me up = my conditioning - the association with winter sports, snowboarding, skiing, outdoor sports, nature....

Achieve more in the right position where you are of value, can perform to the maximum, surrounded by the right people and is stimulated and fueled by positive energy.

7) Blocks - Not switching contexts

Even if you don't have any distractions, switching contexts can kill your concentration and your action mode. Each time you switch tasks, you drain energy and drain your battery further.

Create a standard outline for your weekly calendar, where you take into account your own rhythms, natural preferences and tasks. Divide your week this way and stick to the block times.

So for example: 

  • In the morning, 2 blocks a 90 minutes for X, Y... 
  • A block for your lunch and a walk
  • One block for customer appointments, sales calls
  • A block for ....
  • Round out your day and block off your evening for private appointments.

I have a clear clock stop at 5:30 pm. I consciously plan my evenings off and don't schedule work-related appointments. With high exception occasional meetings, but with a clear reason and purpose as to why I should go. My evenings are sacred to me. Time for myself, my family and for my standard evening wanderlust. Closing out the day, unloading my brain and going to bed nice and early with an empty head. Part of my non-negotiables, to get the most out of myself, my business and most importantly my life. 

A clear strategy, processes and structures give you focus, peace, space and deliver more. Both in time, energy and also financially. And if you want to continue to grow, you will have to strengthen your current position, let go of your current standard and way of working. Investigate what you need to change and renew, so that you know exactly what you have to do to achieve that new growth (personal and business).

Each new phase requires a new strategy, optimization and renewal of your processes and structures. 

Need more Frameworks? Keep following me on my new column - Framework Friday where I will be sharing a Framework every week on YouTube.

One Life. Lead it. Live it.

Have a great week,


Strategic Smarter Business, 

so you can spend your time and energy on those things that matter.

Whenever you are ready:

1:1 Executive Leadership Coaching - starting at 6 months
Successful women leaders and entrepreneurs looking to grow in revenue and freedom. From 6 months on a subscription model basis, executive and leadership coaching. Completely free, based on your needs I stand beside you as a strategic business partner. Because as Leader of your Future, you want to live and do business on your terms with unlimited freedom. Investing in your leadership position, your value, the value of your company and the value of your financial future.

1:1 Program onMarket Profitable - 16 weeks
Achieve remarkable leadership and a profitable strategy in 16 weeks, so you know exactly what you need to do to achieve your goals. Want to take a new step and go full steam ahead with their own business. Be strong in their leadership position and get paid for the value you deliver.

Tailored Strategic Consulting 

No need for a long-term collaboration? But do you need concrete and quick strategic advice, which you can start working with immediately afterwards? Can be scheduled directly for 1 hour or 1 day.


✅ DIY Program onMarket Profitable - 3 months

In 3 months working by yourself in my Online Academy on your remarkable leadership position and a profitable strategy, so you know exactly what you need to do to achieve your goals. 

Extra Bonus: 1:1 1-hour Strategic DeepDive and live Q&A sessions every two weeks

✅ Monthly - Online Leaders Learn & Connect Business Meetings
Every month an online Business Meeting with content and connection.
A relevant topic each month with master class, templates and live Q&A New:

In June, I will start monthly: Leaders Learn & Connect Business Meetings 

Every month you can participate in an online networking meeting online. Every month I cover a topic and give an online Workshop about it. An interactive session where you not only enrich your knowledge but also become part of a powerful group of ambitious leaders and entrepreneurs. 

You can sign up monthly or become an immediate member of my Health & Business Leadership Community.  

You will read more about it in the coming days through the mail, my website and my posts. 

And for the visionaries who are already convinced and know what they have to do

 Claim your leadership spot here

✅ Future Leaders Business Community Club
Monthly Learn & Connect Business Meeting
Access Community - frameworks, tools, templates, recordings.
Closed group communication for questions, interaction, networking
Live Business Meetings

✅ Retreat Health & Business Meeting on Terschelling
Working with a group of like-minded people on health, mental/physical health, healthy and nutritious food, active outdoor activities, business meetings and workshops. Several days "out of office" and surround yourself with a group of like-minded people who, like you, want to grow as a healthy leader in a healthy and growing business and financially healthy future. For anyone who wants to grow in their own healthy way.

Living life as a healthy leader of a healthy future-proof business and financially sound future.

Invest in yourself, invest in your business and invest in your future

Achieve greater returns and grow profitably on a personal and business level

PS. If you would like to know how I can help you, your position or your company become the visionary leader of your life and business in your own remarkable way, schedule a free appointment with me. I will be happy to discuss what opportunities and growth possibilities I foresee for you.

As Leader of Your Future = Living and Entrepreneurship on Your Own Terms

Book tips:

Books that have helped me in my Framework Strategic Thinking - Framework Thinking

John Lewis Gaddis - On strategic thinking

Michale D. Watkins - The six Disciplines of Strategic Thinking

Mark Tigchelaar - Focus ON/OFF

Mark Tuitert - Flow

PS. I have a whole book list. If you are interested and would like to receive my favorite books list? Send me a message and I'll send you my favorites list. Sharing = multiplying.
