High-quality leadership: innovation and strategy for successful long-term growth.
High-quality leadership: innovation and strategy for successful long-term growth.

Strategic Leadership and Connecting Networks

Strengthen Your Leadership and Increase Your Value in the Women & Leadership Community

Because you are worthy of being heard, seen and appreciated

We all have so much beauty within us, so much value to offer. With which we make great impact and make the world a little more beautiful together.

As women leaders and entrepreneurs, we make impact, create value and want to grow to make more value and impact. Because we want to live high quality, fulfilled lives where we are meaningful and leave something in the world.

We are making great strides in our careers and business. Constantly changing and developing to grow both professionally and personally.

Our potential and ambitions are great. But, deep down, we know it could be so much grander. Because still often we hold ourselves too small. Do we hand over leadership and therefore leave opportunities for growth and value on the table. 

strategic leadership

On a Mission to Empower more Women Leaders to Grow in Leadership Positions in Life & Business

-Gerdi Hulsink-

Strategic leadership and the power of community

Strategic Leadership and networking are essential to your growth. By surrounding yourself with like-minded people and others who are further along, than you, and who can serve as your role models and sparring partners. So that you too can take those steps. And even faster and smarter, because you can learn from their peaks and valleys in their own personal and business growth. 

And the reason why I want to keep my Women & Leadership Community created for my top clients. Community for women entrepreneurs and leaders who want to empower, inspire and connect each other, to stand strong as leaders and grow personally and professionally.

Female CEO of your life and in top condition and top position for greater success

Empowering female leadership is invaluable. Women Empowerment contributes to personal and profitable business and financial growth. And also has a direct positive impact on society and the economy. By empowering, inspiring and learning from each other, we can accelerate this.

By giving each other the stage, the successes, and by joining forces, we can make more impact together. So that more women leaders will (stand up) strongly for their value and know how to present their value big. Standing strong in a new position where they are seen, heard and appreciated as visionary leaders for the impact they make.

Your leadership shines through in the impact you create with your potential, your energy and the results you achieve. Leadership is not a destination, but an ongoing journey of growth, change and adaptation. In this way, you not only stand strong in your leadership position, but also inspire others to reach their highest potential. Collaborate, inspire each other, make each other stronger, more innovative and successful.

Then you not only build a successful business, but you build a legacy (legacy) of impact, innovation and leadership.

Strengthen Your Leadership and Increase Your Value in the Women & Leadership Community

Women & Leadership Community

  • Every month a live Learn & Connect Meeting (1.5 hours). Each month a relevant and new topic around strategic leadership, innovation/change management, growth strategies, entrepreneurship and of course personal/health related topics. Everything to work on yourself and e business in various areas throughout the year. 
  • An online platform including direct contact with me and the group (my own high-quality Skool community)
  • Throughout the year, ongoing interviews, workshops, master classes by and with other leaders and entrepreneurs.
  • Investment is 897 Euros per year (Excl VAT). This is the pilot price for the first 10 people who sign up right now. After that the investment is 997 Euro per year (Excl VAT).

Why a paid community?

So let me answer this question directly. Because I have a strategic network and surround myself with those driven leaders and entrepreneurs who know that investment is required to grow. And I am convinced and I know from experience: if they pay, they pay attention. 

My Women & Leadership Community is for committed and ambitious members who are serious about their healthy personal and business growth. Those who are willing to invest, actively participate and give and add value to the community. Because then together we will create and know how to create higher quality interactions and networking opportunities that lead to growth and success.

Do you take your healthy personal and business growth seriously? Stand up and claim your position as a Women Leader.

One Life.

Lead it.

Live it.


Have a great week,


For women leaders and entrepreneurs who want to grow in impact, revenue and freedom. 

Visionaries who know what they have to do in life.

Whenever you are ready:

PREMIUM 1:1 Leadership Coaching - starting at 6 months
Successful women leaders and entrepreneurs looking to grow personally, professionally and financially. From 6 months on a subscription model basis, executive and leadership coaching. Completely free, based on your needs, I stand beside you as a strategic business partner. Because as Leader of your Future, you want to live and do business on your terms without limits. Investing in your leadership position, your value, the value of your business and the value of your financial future.

Included - Health & Business Leadership Club, my exclusive Leadership Club for my PREMIUM clients.

Program Unlimited Freedom

*START-UP: Women & Leadership Community

  • A 1.5-hour Learn & Connect Meeting every month
  • Online private platform
  • Connect, learn, connect and collaborate

**SCALE-UP: Group Program Unlimited Feedom - 3 months 

  • Access to the private Women & Leadership Community
  • Access to my Online Academy where you can work on your own remarkable leadership position and profitable strategy.
  • Live Q&A sessions every two weeks (including recordings)
  • Includes all recordings Learn & Connect Meetings

***FREEDOM: 1:1 Program Unlimited Freedom - starting at 6 months
A Premium 1:1 partnership where you go all-in. Full access to the Community, Academy and direct access to me. Take a new step as a leader and grow profitably on personal, business and financial leadership. 

  • Direct contact line via WhatsApp/privat chat
  • Includes all my templates, frameworks, worksheets
  • Access to the exclusive Health & Business Leadership Club.

Retreat Health & Business Leadership Meeting on Terschelling
Working with a group of like-minded people on health, mental/physical health, healthy and nutritious food, active outdoor activities, business meetings and workshops. Several days "out of office" and surround yourself with a group of like-minded people who, like you, want to grow as a healthy leader in a healthy and growing business and financially healthy future. For anyone who wants to grow in their own healthy way.

Living life as a healthy leader of a healthy future-proof business and financially sound future.

Invest in yourself, invest in your business and invest in your future
Achieve greater returns and grow profitably on a personal, business and financial level

PS1: If you have questions, would like to know more about my Strategic Women & Leadership Community? Send me a mail (info@gerdihulsink.nl), or schedule a conversation with me.

PS2: If you want to know how I can help you, your position or your business become the visionary leader of your life and business in your own remarkable way, schedule a free appointment with me. I am happy to discuss what opportunities and growth possibilities I foresee for you.

Book tips:

Books that have helped me in Leadership & Business Strategy

John Lewis Gaddis - On strategic thinking

Patrick-Bet David & Greg Dinkin - Your Next Five Moves: Master the Art of Business Strategy

Alex Hormozi$100M Leads

Alex Hormozi$100M Offers

PS. I have a whole book list. If you are interested and would like to receive my favorite books list? Send me a message and I'll send you my favorites list. 

Divide = multiply.
