Stronger through change

How do you build a company that becomes stronger through change? 

Antifragility is the ability of coping with uncertainty and disorder

In a world full of uncertainty and disorder, antifragility is the ability to not only survive, but to continue to grow despite the chaos.

I read the book "Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder" by Nassim Nicholas Taleb. In which he describes the ability of companies to turn disorder into opportunities for growth and innovation.

In his book, Nassim introduces the Lindy effect, which states that the longevity of non-perishable things, such as innovative ideas and technologies, increases with their current age. The longer something exists, the more it adapts and evolves, the longer it is expected to last. 

An example is a company that is getting better and better at securing its systems through constant external attacks. Or a health tech company that, through constant research, keeps getting more responsive to patients' needs. These are companies that continue to grow and optimize through change and temporary disarray.

Companies that become stronger through change and stress factors. Because they use the challenges to learn from them and get better.

Standing strong so you can withstand a beating

Applying the Lindy effect in your business

The Lindy effect has its roots in economics, technology and cultural studies and suggests that older technologies and ideas are more robust and adaptable. As a leader, you can take advantage of this by using the wisdom of past innovations when making strategic decisions. Consider classics such as Shakespeare's plays, which have been relevant for centuries, or the wheel and printing press, which are still invaluable despite their longevity.

When making choices regarding new technology or investments in your business, understanding the Lindy Effect can influence your long-term growth strategies. 

But note that the Lindy effect does not apply to everything. Value-added technologies and ideas can persist because of inertia, not because of their intrinsic value. As an innovator and value creator, you can draw inspiration from those ideas that are sustainable to create future-proof offerings.

No long-term growth without innovations and strategic leadership 

stronger through change

Challenges and lightning-fast changes in the marketplace mean that companies need to keep a constant eye on developments in order to continue to grow relevant and successful. Now and in the future. Without change, your relevance and right to exist is not assured.

Many leaders and entrepreneurs do find that things need to be done differently. That requires you to stand up and, in your new position, start doing things differently. So an antifragile attitude from you as a leader and from your company requires a different kind of leadership. Because if you keep doing what you've always done, you know what you'll get. Far from antifragile, then.

Spend your time and energy on the things that matter. In your own way, stubbornly make your impact.

Antifragility and perfection do not go together

Striving for perfection, avoiding mistakes and discomfort hinder your new developments and opportunities for growth. You stop yourself from making mistakes, experimenting and learning from them. While failures are learning opportunities. It helps you push your limits and discover new ways of thinking and doing things.

Mistakes that do not cause serious damage actually provide you with an opportunity to strengthen your leadership and adjust your business strategy and processes.

Instead of fear of losing and fear of the unknown, you can use antifragile principles to embrace this uncertainty as an opportunity for growth. Letting go of the urge to control opens up new perspectives and increases your flexibility. Antifragility helps you let go of the pressure of perfection and see challenges as opportunities for growth.

Challenges are new opportunities for growth

Challenges force you to become stronger, to deal with new circumstances and opportunities for growth. Antifragility encourages self-reflection as a means to learn from challenges and grow. 

Applying antifragility in your personal development allows you to train your mindset and come out stronger. So it's not about avoiding emotional stress, but rather how to better deal with it. Because stress is always there, in one form or another. Because change primarily also brings stress and tension. Just stand strong and through the tension and resistance to be able to grow again, both personally and professionally.

The benefits of an antifragile lifestyle and leadership style

An antifragile attitude to life begins with proactive choices. Actively seeking challenges, new experiences and learning helps you to stand stronger and become more resilient, rather than waiting for life to "confront" you with it. And thus keep leading yourself instead of being (distracted).

Dare to take risks in a deliberate way; this gives you the opportunity to explore new paths, learn from failures and grow within your comfort zone. 

Outside the lines is so much room for unlimited growth and freedom

The ability to respond quickly to change and embrace new circumstances is a key to an antifragile attitude to life. Because antifragility is not only about survival, but also about staying relevant and future-proofing growth in the most unpredictable circumstances. This is the basis for personal, business and financial growth and leadership.

An antifragile attitude to life requires a new kind of leadership. It's about spending time and energy on what really matters, and creating impact in your own way.

What is your benefit from an antifragile attitude to life? What new leadership does this require of you? 

Stand strong.

Scale up.

Make an impact by devoting your time and energy to what really matters.

Have a great week,


Living your life on your own terms, so you can spend your time and energy on those things that matter.

Whenever you are ready:

PREMIUM 1:1 Leadership Coaching - starting at 6 months
Successful women leaders and entrepreneurs looking to grow personally, professionally and financially. From 6 months on a subscription model basis, executive and leadership coaching. Completely free, based on your needs, I stand beside you as a strategic business partner. Because as Leader of your Future, you want to live and do business on your terms without limits. Investing in your leadership position, your value, the value of your business and the value of your financial future.

Included - Health & Business Leadership Club, my exclusive Leadership Club for my PREMIUM clients.

Program Unlimited Freedom

*START-UP: Women & Leadership Community - from 3 months

  • A 1.5-hour Learn & Connect Meeting every month
  • Online private platform
  • Connect, learn, connect and collaborate

**SCALE-UP: Group Program Unlimited Feedom - 3 months 

  • Access to the private Women & Leadership Community
  • Access to my Online Academy where you can work on your own remarkable leadership position and profitable strategy.
  • Live Q&A sessions every two weeks (including recordings)
  • Includes all recordings Learn & Connect Meetings

***FREEDOM: 1:1 Program Unlimited Freedom - starting at 6 months
A Premium 1:1 partnership where you go all-in. Full access to the Community, Academy and direct access to me. Take a new step as a leader and grow profitably on personal, business and financial leadership. 

  • Direct contact line via WhatsApp/privat chat
  • Includes all my templates, frameworks, worksheets
  • Exclusive access to the Health & Business Leadership Club

You can sign up now or become an immediate member of my Women Leadership Community.  

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Retreat Health & Business Leadership Meeting on Terschelling
Working with a group of like-minded people on health, mental/physical health, healthy and nutritious food, active outdoor activities, business meetings and workshops. Several days "out of office" and surround yourself with a group of like-minded people who, like you, want to grow as a healthy leader in a healthy and growing business and financially healthy future. For anyone who wants to grow in their own healthy way.

Living life as a healthy leader of a healthy future-proof business and financially sound future.

Invest in yourself, invest in your business and invest in your future. Achieve greater returns and grow profitably on a personal, business and financial level

PS. If you want to know how I can help you, your position or your company become the visionary leader of your life and business in your own remarkable way, schedule a free appointment with me. I am happy to discuss what opportunities and growth possibilities I foresee for you.

Book tips:

Books that have helped me in Leadership & Business Strategy

Nassim Nicholas Taleb - Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder 

John Lewis Gaddis - On strategic thinking

Patrick-Bet David & Greg Dinkin - Your Next Five Moves: Master the Art of Business Strategy

Alex Hormozi$100M Leads

Alex Hormozi$100M Offers

PS. I have a whole book list. If you are interested and would like to receive my favorite books list? Send me a message and I'll send you my favorites list. 

Divide = multiply.
