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The art of asking good questions

"Seek first to UNDERSTAND and then be understood." 

- Stephen Covey -

The art of asking good questions to arrive at good answers

How can you achieve more by asking good questions?

What good questions to ask to get the best results? 

Sales, it remains a challenge for many business owners. And next to marketing, sales is essential for businesses. After all, we have a commercial goal. After all, without sales, no sales. Without sales, no income.

So whether you are a leader in a company, CEO or entrepreneur? We work in a commercial environment where there are sales to be made. 

Assuming you have captured the attention of your top customer, you can move the sales process forward by asking the right questions that focus on a problem they are facing. Which prevents them from achieving the results they want. 

Your job during a sales conversation is to connect, to gain trust by asking the right questions. So that with the right answers from your customer, you can then make your right offer to help the other person move forward.

Some in-depth good questions:

  • Where are you now and where do you want to grow to within x years?
  • What challenges or difficulties are you experiencing with...? What are you running into now? (Ask through here, because the first answer is not THE answer. So ask 5x through: What else....?)
  • Which two problems give you the most stress/anxiety or take up the most time?

Once you have identified the main problems your client is facing, the next step is to determine the impact of the problem. 

  • You can do that by asking:
  • What impact does that have on your business?
  • What is this problem costing you in terms of (time/energy, money, profit, market share, customer loyalty, time-to-market, etc.)?
  • What happens if you don't take action?
  • Where do you see that reflected in your business/your results? 
  • How will that affect your business?
  • How does that affect you personally?

It is essential to understand that we do not make purchasing decisions based on our ability to obtain information about products/services. 

>> So don't talk about your method, your service.

Instead, we want to know what outcome they can expect. 

>> So talk about the result that your service provides your customer.

In other words, your client wants to know what impact your solution will have on his challenge and what the end result will be.

Will it strengthen your position as an authority of your market? Will it bring you more customers? Will it increase productivity? Will it reduce overall costs? Of course, the result your client wants. 

That means you have to be willing to ask questions focused on the future. 

Consider these good questions.

  • What is the ideal outcome you would like to see or experience?
  • How does this relate to your current results?
  • You want to grow as a leader of your company and outsource tasks to a team/freelancers. What kind of leader do you want to be and where are you (still) leaving leadership now? 
  • You said you want to grow, improve profitability and/or reduce costs. Can you tell me what that looks like?
  • You've stated that you want to reduce costs and increase productivity. How do you know you have succeeded in that?

The essence of the art of effective questioning to close the deal

At this stage, determine what the priority of this decision (closing the deal) is, how the decision will be made, and what possible objections might keep your customer from moving forward.

Here are some examples:

Walk me through the process you follow when considering these types of decisions.

With whom do you usually consult on decisions like this? 

(Relevant when your target audience is SMEs/businesses/corporate business: WHO make the decisions. Avoid delay and postponement/delay of your offer: Get the decision makers involved/at the table!) 

What possible objections might keep you from going ahead with this?

What concerns, if any, do you have going forward?

Of course, prepare good questions based on the person you are meeting with.

You can go one level down. Administration, sales, accounting and sales managers can give you excellent information about competitors and the problems they face every day.

Some questions to find out information about your competitors:

  • What are some of the qualities you look for in a ____________ company? Deepening ... (ask more questions to get clarity)
  • I know you've worked with other _________________________. What do you like best about them? And what would you like to see different in our collaboration? Elaborate...
  • If you could change one thing about your collaboration with X, what would it be?
  • How do you measure success with _____________ business? 

Take time to plan what questions you will ask based on your research and/or previous communications. Choose three or four good questions and tailor them to your specific situation. Ask probing open-ended questions. Doing this will set you apart from your competitors and increase your conversion and sales.

The art of effective good questions

As Stephen Covey said, "Try to BEGIN first and then be understood."

Bonus - Ask yourself the right questions - The key to new growth and success

When you fail or perform less than optimal, as the leader of your company, be the "owner" of that and ask yourself the right questions.

With an open and honest view and from your growth mindset. Because these very moments are valuable and allow you to grow on both a business and personal level.

Never ask yourself questions like...

Why do I always screw up? What's wrong with me? 

Don't be distracted/misled by those Gremlins in your head "Because you are an idiot" or "Because you are a total failure."

Be the leader of your own failure and ask yourself questions like...

What can I do to make sure I don't make this mistake again?

Where did I go wrong?

Who can I look for as a mentor to make sure I don't make this mistake again?

These questions will cause you to learn, develop and continue to grow.

Be the leader of your life and run your successful business on your terms. 

For more impact, revenue and freedom and working with those top clients who get the best results with your value.

If you can share your value, then you can multiply.

ChatGPT: GROW Accelerator - Conversion 

"Describe my ideal target audience for [ product/service ] in [ specific niche ]. 

Create a detailed profile that includes demographics, interests, pain points, and behaviors. Using SWOT analysis Ensure to Research and analyze the strategies of [competitors] in the [specific niche]. 

Provide insights and opportunities for my [ product/service ]. Also "Help me set up a system to monitor and analyze performance metrics for my [ website/channel ] in the [ specific niche ].

Lastly, guide me in crafting compelling calls to action for [specific campaign or product] that will drive engagement and conversions."

 One Life. Lead it. Live it.

Have a great week,



On Friday, January 19, 2024, I am hosting the Live Business Strategy Meeting.

A whole day with a group of ambitious like-minded people we work on together:

- How you can strengthen your leadership position.

- Can create/add more value to your offering.

- How to attract and retain more top clients.

- And will lay down your own strong growth plan for 2024.

So that you know what you have to do in 2024.

And grow profitably as a Leader in impact, revenue and freedom.

Do you already want to strengthen your position and take charge? In your life, your business and of the market? Strategically guarantee your growth?

Claim your spot now on Jan. 19, 2024!


Do you decide to enter my Unlimited Freedom Premium Program before December 31, 2023? Then your spot for the Live Business Strategy Meeting and get instant access to the exclusive Leaders in Business Club. The community for intelligent, High-Value and Performance-driven Executives, Leaders and Entrepreneurs who want to Grow in Impact, Revenue and Freedom.

How can you work with me?

  1. Tailored Strategic Consulting - No need for a long-term collaboration? But do you need concrete and quick strategic advice, which you can start working with immediately afterwards? Can be scheduled directly for 1.5 hours or 1 day. 
  2. Program Unlimited Freedom - In 16 weeks, a remarkable leadership position and a profitable strategy, so you know exactly what you need to do to achieve your goals.
  3. Premium Program Unlimited Freedom - 6 to 12 months based on subscription model. Completely free, based on your needs I stand beside you as a strategic business partner. As Leader of your Future where unlimited free will live and do business on your terms. Investing in your value, the value of your business and the value of your financial future.
  4. Women's Business Club An exclusive Women Leadership BC focused on visionary leadership, networking, cocreation, value-driven entrepreneurship and empowerment. Both online and offline (collaboration and networking), Business meetings, Masterminds, Guest Speakers, company visits and mentoring. For women leaders in business and top business and highly educated professionals. 