The right people in the right position: The key to increased profits and growth

In a world that is constantly changing, it is essential for you as a leader and entrepreneur to stay on top of this, think strategically ahead and adapt to changing conditions. 

How do you maintain a grip and create a strategy with an eye to the future? 

Shifting gears to accelerate and grow

These changes bring many challenges, opportunities and growth possibilities. Are you aware of the changes and how do you view them? Do you prefer to hold on to what is there now? Or do you see through the opportunities and then know how to accelerate to take advantage of those opportunities?

Are you ready for a new step? Because a new step of growth requires a lot from you as a leader and entrepreneur, but also from your company, your processes and your team/freelancers and other collaborations.

Each new phase of growth calls for a new step in your leadership and requires a new strategy. Because every growth phase has a limit; every leadership position and strategy has an expiration date. 

Strengthen your leadership at your new position

Each stage of growth requires a different approach and leaders and entrepreneurs who can manage and support these changes. Just as the market, your customer and your business grows and develops, so does your position. An important question for you: 

 Does your leadership, position and strategy fit your company's growth stage?

Recognizing that you are no longer the right person in the right position is a struggle for leaders and entrepreneurs. Not only does your ego play tricks, but so do the gremlins that pop up. Because when do you give in when things no longer flow and go the way you are used to and want them to. How do you deal with a new leadership position - taking on, stepping up and filling your new position/role - when you can't grow your business profitably?

more profits and growth

Framework: Strategic repositioning and leadership

  1. Strategic insight and advice
    • Analyze your current position as a leader and the state of your business
    • Identify what is needed to grow again
    • Use Strategic Thinking Frameworks to understand your business stage and leadership level
  2. Transformation through structured change
  1. Involve the right people in the change process
  2. Optimize business processes during all phases of change
  3. Strengthen your market position and market value
  4. Maintain overview and focus on growth
  1. Carefully plan for scaling up and hiring a team or freelancers
  2. Recognize that sanding is part of the growth process
  3. Learn when to shift gears to accelerate again
  4. Strategic insight and advice

What position are you in as a leader and the entrepreneur himself? Where is your company, where is your company at and where are you as a leader, the entrepreneur at? What does it take to grow again? If focus, remarkable positioning and a clear strategy are lacking, then strategic leadership and new position development is first in order.

Once this is clear and strong, you can immediately zoom in on your business, the people (team or freelancers, just how you want to run your business) and the processes needed to grow further. Then you need to look not only at your company and business results, but specifically at the new developments in the market, the needs of your customers and the opportunities and new possibilities for growth. 

You first have insights to gain by doing research. Knowing what knobs to turn, what new steps to take to make everything right again. The right position, the right people, the right strategy....

And then the question: where do you start? 

Because what does your company excel at and is that still in line with your position, your proposition and your customers? And your strategy and actions, are they still in line with your ambitions and your current level? Where are you spending your time and energy? Are they the right people and things? What are you not doing now, but what should be? 

Based on such questions and using my Strategic Thinking Frameworks that I always use to get more insight and answers here, it becomes clear what stage your company and your leadership is in and where you are as a leader/entrepreneur yourself right now. 

Yes, this takes time. You and your business are more than worth it. The time you invest in this at the beginning of the process will more than make up for it. Invest to grow.

2. Transformation through structured change

By structuring your change process, involving the right people and optimizing your business processes during all phases of change, you gain both time and impact. But the result of a well-structured change process goes beyond internal improvements and your new position and responsibilities. It also strengthens your market position and market value 

3. Maintain overview and focus on growth

Successfully scaling up to grow and hiring a team/freelancer(s) hinges on proper planning and landing. That doesn't always happen naturally. Sometimes the bumps are in the beginning, or things start to chafe later in the growth process. 

Without peaks no valleys to peak again

In other words, it always chafes, because it really is part of it. It's finding where or when to shift gears to accelerate again. Knowing when to step back and how or what to do at the right time. 

Every level a new leadership position and strategy

Each stage of growth requires leaders who can manage and support change. If you want to grow into a new leadership position, such as managing leader or CEO, it requires development on both a rational and emotional level. After all, your company will not grow beyond you as a person, leader and entrepreneur.

Who are you in your new position and what will you do?

As a Strategic Partner and Leadership Coach, I guide and support women leaders and entrepreneurs to and in their new position and leadership role. Because in addition to business, personal leadership and growth is just as important. 

Investing in strategic growth

Scaling your business is a strategic process that requires attention in multiple areas:

  • Personal: Upgrading your leadership and new positioning
  • Business: Repositioning your personal brand, proposition and business strategy

By investing in this process, you create a solid foundation for future growth. Remember: your company will not grow beyond you as a person, leader and entrepreneur.

Putting the right people in the right positions, including yourself, is critical to achieving greater profit and growth. By thinking strategically, adapting to changing circumstances and investing in personal and business development, you lay the foundation for a future-proof and successful business.

Scaling and attracting/appointing a team (and/or freelancers) is a strategic process of positioning, leadership and innovation. Making the strategic change on multiple levels. On a personal level, it requires repositioning and upgrading your leadership. And on a business level, a repositioning of your personal brand, your proposition and business strategy and your processes. 

You must have a clear understanding on what is needed, that your business is ready for it and make choices on which candidates/experts will quickly enrich your business with his/her expertise, knowledge. 

This is challenging and requires attention. This is going to make the difference and allowing you to advance as a leader of your future-proof business and growth.   

One Life. 

Lead it. 

 Live it.

Have a great week,


Strategically smart business and living on your own terms,

so you can spend your time and energy on those things that matter.

Whenever you are ready:

1:1 Leadership Coaching - starting at 6 months
Successful women leaders and entrepreneurs looking to grow in revenue and freedom. From 6 months on a subscription model basis, executive and leadership coaching. Completely free, based on your needs I stand beside you as a strategic business partner. Because as Leader of your Future, you want to live and do business on your terms with unlimited freedom. Investing in your leadership position, your value, the value of your company and the value of your financial future.

Including your own strategic plan for building multiple revenue streams by strategically investing your time, energy and your money smartly.

1:1 Program Unlimited Freedom - 16 weeks or 6 months (based on subscription model)
Achieve remarkable leadership and a profitable strategy in 16 weeks, so you know exactly what you need to do to achieve your goals. Want to take a new step and go full steam ahead with their own business. Be strong in their leadership position and get paid for the value you deliver.

Group Program onMarket Profitable - 3 months

In 3 months working by yourself in my Online Academy on your remarkable leadership position and a profitable strategy, so you know exactly what you need to do to achieve your goals. 

Live Q&A sessions every 2 weeks (including recordings)

Extra Bonus: 1:1 1-hour Strategic DeepDive 

Tailored Strategic Consulting 

No need for a long-term collaboration? But do you need concrete and quick strategic advice, which you can start working with immediately afterwards? Can be scheduled directly for 1 hour or 1 day.

Health & Business Club - The Community for Future Leaders
Where healthy living, healthy business and a healthy financially free future are central. Focused on female leadership, strategic networking, cocreation, personal, business and financial growth. 

Both online and offline (collaboration and networking), Learn & Connect Lunch meetings, Business meetings, Masterminds, Guest speakers, company visits, private group communications for questions, interaction, networking and 1:1 mentoring. 

For ambitious, visionary women leaders and entrepreneurs who want to grow both personally and professionally. For more impact, revenue and freedom to live your life and business on your terms.

Waiting list (starts after summer):
Monthly - Online Leaders Learn & Connect Business Meetings
Every month an online Business Meeting with content and connection.
A relevant topic each month with master class, templates and live Q&A 

After summer vacation, I will start monthly: Leaders Learn & Connect Business Meetings 

Every month you can participate in an online networking meeting online. Every month I cover a topic and give an online Workshop about it. An interactive session where you not only enrich your knowledge but also become part of a powerful group of ambitious leaders and entrepreneurs. 

 Claim your leadership spot here

Waiting list:
✅ Retreat Health & Business Meeting on Terschelling
Working with a group of like-minded people on health, mental/physical health, healthy and nutritious food, active outdoor activities, business meetings and workshops. Several days "out of office" and surround yourself with a group of like-minded people who, like you, want to grow as a healthy leader in a healthy and growing business and financially healthy future. For anyone who wants to grow in their own healthy way.

Living life as a healthy leader of a healthy future-proof business and financially sound future.

Stay informed by subscribing to the waiting list

PS. Also want to become the visionary leader of your life and business? Schedule a free appointment with me. I will be happy to discuss what opportunities and growth possibilities I foresee for you. 

Book tips:

Books that have helped me: 

Leadership & Entrepreneurship

The Diary of a CEO - Steven Bartlett
Tribes - Seth Godin
Principles - Ray Dalio
The Lean Startup - Eric Ries
Leaders Eat Last - Simon Sinek
Leading From The Emerging Future - C Otto Scharmer
Transformational Presence - Alan Seale
The Big Leap - Gay Hendricks

PS. I have a whole book list. If you are interested and would like to receive my favorite books list? Send me a message and I'll send you my favorites list. Sharing = multiplying.

As Leader of Your Future = Living and Entrepreneurship on Your Own Terms
