Executive coaching, strategic leadership for women leaders, executives and entrepreneurs.
Executive coaching, strategic leadership for women leaders, executives and entrepreneurs.

Using perfectionism as a strength

"Too many people spend too much time trying to perfect something before they actually do it. Instead of waiting for perfection, run with what you go, and fix it along the way..."

- Paul Arden

Waiting for perfection means never starting. This is a challenge of many entrepreneurs who suffer from their perfectionism and/or Imposter Syndrome. Because perfectionism and Imposter Syndrome often go hand in hand. If you are a perfectionist, you tend to set the bar extremely high. You want to do everything perfectly, without mistakes. When this doesn't happen - which is inevitable, because no one is perfect - you begin to doubt yourself.

And then the thunder begins. You start doubting, the uncertainty increases and paralyzes you rather than taking action. Because then we pook fear of failure, the fear of making mistakes. And you'd rather not do things, avoid new things and create a safe and controlled environment for yourself. To protect yourself and the chance of making mistakes is small(er).

The urge to do it perfectly, search for appreciation and the pressure to want to meet the expectations of others. 

And why? Who are you doing it for? And what does it get you?

I always went for the 10. I did not have a sixes mentality, but wanted to do everything well, to perform well. Not just during my studies, but also during my career and then to have everything neat and tidy at home. Full speed at work, hard work and going for it. I achieved a lot. 

And on the other side - my own side - I also left a lot for it and it cost me a lot. Going hard for perfection, the appreciation of the other which caused me to go into overdrive at the expense of what my own self wanted and found of value. 

I was looking for affirmation and appreciation outside of myself and had placed my self-esteem outside of myself. It was only when I realized that I was doing this and how it was hindering me from really fully appreciating myself and being myself that I realized that it is all not so perfect at all, that I am not perfect, but just right. Just the way I am. And that is worth so much.

Because there is no perfection. Because then what is perfect? When is something perfect? We all have a different definition of perfection. 

So perfection does not exist.

Rather imperfect actions than perfect inaction

How can you let go of perfectionism?

Awareness of your perfectionism

The first thing is awareness. Acknowledge your perfectionism or that you have a lot of perfectionist traits. And that it's okay that you are or have these. Because it also offers benefits when you recognize and harness them.

Set a clear intention

Think to yourself what your intention is in wanting to do it as perfectly as possible. Who are you doing it for, what do you want to prove? After all, there is a motivation underneath. Is it out of fear of criticism or rejection? Look at your own motive: wanting to do something because you want to, from positive energy and desire and not from fear. That really makes a difference.

Be gentle with yourself

Your bar can really go down and accept that good enough is good enough. And don't punish yourself when things go wrong, because they happen.

Making mistakes is okay

Allow yourself to make mistakes. Because it is from your mistakes that you learn the most! By always playing it safe, you never really get out of that comfort zone, and that's where the growth is.

The middle ground

Realize that there is also a middle ground between "complete failure" and "perfect. No longer think is extremes. Again, good is good enough.

Besides the oneliner "Good is good enough," I have another one I learned from a business coach "Start before you are ready. And both have since been instilled in such a way that I don't fall back into the drive for perfection, but keep moving. 


1. Success is not about perfection 

2. Successful entrepreneurs are people who make quick choices. Quick choices lead to rapid change and growth. So don't hesitate too long. 

3. You can never do well and please everyone for everyone. Be 100% yourself. From there, you will attract clients you 100% match with. 

4. Your value is of value to others. Customers are waiting for your value. And by continuing to develop yourself and add new value, your value grows. And therefore your value to your customer. 

5. The great lessons are in the things that go wrong and the mistakes you make. I wish you many mistakes, because the harder you learn and you grow.

6. You may not be an established entrepreneur yet, but every day you become more and more of an entrepreneur.

7. Ignorance is bliss. The more you focus on consuming knowledge and looking at others, you start comparing (apples to oranges by the way because there is only one like you) and the more insecure you often become. Consume less and produce more.

letting go of perfectionism

The power of perfectionism

Because perfectionism also has benefits. Because that year-long drive for perfection has also brought and provided you with value. You are driven to deliver a certain quality and that is a valuable quality. This is in contrast to someone who is quick to slack off on something and doesn't care about the end result.

So the trick is to use this valuable trait, your perfectionism, favorably for yourself.

Because what my perfection has brought me is that I perfectly (😉) and quickly see certain patterns/processes. That I have a drive to get results and have a seventh sense and see how things can be set up smarter and more practical. How to set up, improve and simplify certain patterns/processes smarter. Because yes, as a perfectionist it could always be done faster/better/smarter. 

Something that is so natural, so "ordinary" to you, is so valuable to the other person

We all have so much value and have become dazzlingly good at several things. Because we find what we do so "ordinary," we often fail to see the value in it ourselves. 

What is that strength in you? 

What can you do brilliantly and help others achieve their results as well? Don't waste value, because not only you, but also your clients will achieve more.

 One Life. Lead it. Live it.

Have a great week,


PS 1.

If you've been following me for any length of time, you know that I too am and get excited about innovation and new technology. Especially in the field of Artificial Intelligence, where there are so many opportunities and possibilities to increase your profitability and productivity. Using AI as a tool to strategically work smarter and faster. Because there is no doubt that you can save both money and costs with this. 

Along with the benefits, there are also challenges and potential risks. And then the question is where to focus. I focus on the opportunities and benefits that AI already brings and what will become more and more in the near future. Because one thing is certain, AI is here and it's not going away. 

Weekly I keep an eye on developments and experiment with new AI tools. And of course I am not alone in that. Many companies and entrepreneurs are already experimenting with this and offering many different services. This includes IMU, a party that I already use for other products, such as Plug&Pay bv use in my business.

IMU is organizing the next few weeks the Plug into Freedom Challenge.

"In 5 days, in just 90 minutes a day, we're going to build your online business with AI."

This is what they promise, among other things, in those 5 days:

  • Replacing an entire marketing team with one simple tool
  • An oiled marketing machine that drives more sales
  • The latest developments in AI integrated into your business

I am going to join to see how they do this and what smart ideas I can take from this and want to apply in my own business. I already heard several entrepreneurs about this so possibly interesting for you too. 

And will it be perfect 😉, no definitely not. But waiting until perfection means never starting. And then leaving opportunities and possibilities. Because as I said, AI is here and won't go away.

How can you work with me?

  1. Strategic Consulting - 1 hour or 1 day
    No need for a long-term collaboration? But do you need concrete and quick strategic advice, which you can start working with immediately afterwards? Can be scheduled directly for 1 hour or 1 day. 
  2. Program Unlimited Freedom - 16 weeks 
    In 16 weeks, a remarkable leadership position and a profitable strategy so you know exactly what you need to do to achieve your goals.
  3. Exclusive 1:1 customized - as of 4 months. Fully customized, based on your needs, I stand beside you as a strategic business partner. Strategic issues, leadership, innovation to create more value and grow on a personal and business level.
  4. Women & Leadership - Membership from 3 months
    An exclusive Health & Business Leadership Community focused on both personal - and business development and growth, in order to lead a high-quality healthy life and a high-quality healthy business.

Both online and offline (collaboration, cocreation and networking), Business meetings, Masterminds, guest speakers, company visits and mentoring. 

Profitable Growth in Impact, Revenue and Freedom

To run your life and business on your terms.


Book Tip:

Paul Arden: It's not how good you are, it's how good you want to be.
