
doing nothing is also a choice

Doing nothing is also a choice

But what would happen if you did dare to take that new step? For all women who want to change. Women who are ready for change. Women like you. There comes a time when you can no longer ignore what your body and your heart have been trying to tell you for a while. That there is more to you, more than just meeting expectations, more than just 'good enough'.

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Strategic repositioning: An evaluation of whether you are still in your right position.

Successful leaders and entrepreneurs always have their strategic leadership position, strategic planning and insights clear and in focus. They know how to switch gears to accelerate when opportunities and challenges arise, but also when to switch off in order to lead again as leaders from focus and calm. Strategic repositioning plays an important role in this, allowing them to respond to changes in their environment and ensure

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High-quality leadership: innovation and strategy for successful long-term growth.

Strategic Leadership and Connecting Networks

Strengthen your Leadership and Increase your Value in the Women & Leadership Community Because you are worth being heard, seen and appreciated We all have so much beauty in us, so much value to offer. With which we make great impact and make the world a little more beautiful together. As women leaders and entrepreneurs, we make impact, create value and want to grow to create more value.

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Stronger through change

How do you build a company that grows stronger through change? Antifragility is the ability of dealing with uncertainty and disorder In a world full of uncertainty and disorder, antifragility is the ability to not only survive, but continue to grow despite the chaos. I read the book "Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder" by Nassim Nicholas Taleb. In which he describes the ability of companies to transform disorder

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Healthy business

A financially healthy company starts with a healthy leader

Time flies and we are already halfway through the third quarter of 2024. For me, a period of slowing down, reflecting, recharging in order to accelerate again. Consciously, because I know what it brings me. And you, what does it bring you when you consciously take a moment to slow down? Many times we are looking for something new, because we are bursting with ideas. But the risk is that you may find yourself

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Strengthen your position and leadership through effective communication. The art of asking good questions.

Where do you stand as a leader and are you ready for change?

Deep down, we want to grow as leaders and entrepreneurs. And to grow not only professionally and professionally, but also in personal and financial leadership. This pursuit of growth is essential to realize our full potential and create new value in various areas: If you don't have a clear goal in mind, or a clear vision and mission in your life, then it's good to get there

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determining your rates: What prices should I charge?

Achieve more in less time, with less stress

As leaders and entrepreneurs, we feel the responsibility and pressure to make quick decisions and choice. To act quickly when new opportunities come along. But tackling everything that comes your way distracts you and clouds your focus. New opportunities require you to adjust your strategy and associated new actions and tasks. This leads to less time to work on the

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The Power of Feedback in Leadership

In the changing marketplace, the difference between success and stagnation of your personal and business growth can lie in one crucial skill: giving and receiving feedback. As a strategic leader, constantly giving and soliciting feedback is essential to getting the best out of yourself, your company and your team/freelancers. Yet many leaders and entrepreneurs do not actively practice this skill because they are not trained in this fundamental

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Executive coaching for leadership and growth on a personal and business level. Strategically grow in impact, revenue and freedom.

How can you get more return from yourself and your business?

Often people immediately think of investing with your assets, your money. I look at investing differently. Investing in my most valuable resources (assets): time, energy and money. My time and energy are limited resources, because both are limited. Like you, I have 24 hours in a day. And health, my mental and physical energy are my most important food source for living. The fitter and more vital I

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