Healthy business
Healthy business starts with you as an entrepreneur. Make your business financially healthy and work on your own vitality.

Healthy business in all areas: 5 tips + bonus tip

Healthy business in all areas: 5 tips to DO (plus bonus tip)

At healthy entrepreneurship you quickly think of vital entrepreneurship. Exercise is an important part of being healthy yourself and therefore energetic in and on your business. But there are more things to DO if you want to feel better about yourself and get everything flowing. After all, by taking good care of yourself and your business, you'll make more profit, get more top clients that you also "turn on" and have more energy to invest in your business and your life. 

Tip #1: Do more of what energizes you.

Like your time, your health is precious. Taking good care of yourself should be your No. 1 priority. Because when you feel energetic and fit, you can do much more for others. You experience more meaning and fulfillment. Ask yourself how well you take care of yourself and how often you dwell on your energy gaps. Are you still doing the things where your potential is. More importantly, are those things still giving you energy? 

Therefore, focus more on a healthy energy balance, both privately and in your business. Also look at the relationships you have. Which relationships do you get energy from, both clients and friends and family? And which relationships sip your energy? Spend more time on your relationships that make you happy and less on those that give you negative energy. Surround yourself with people who inspire you and motivate you.

Tip 2: Healthy business is being intentional with your time

Like money, time has a value. When you don't manage your time wisely, it costs you energy as well as money. During my conversations with my clients, I often notice how complex and complicated many people make it for themselves. Because they don't change habits and patterns, don't take action and therefore are stuck against their current ceiling. There is often a lack of a clear plan with concrete goals and actions, causing a lot of time to be lost on unnecessary peripheral issues.

So create peace and space. Consciously schedule time for yourself in your calendar. And focus on the right things with high impact, create an effective and simple strategic business model for your company and work according to your terms. 

Tip 3: Work on your financial health with an entrepreneurial attitude

You have a commercial business, so your revenue is a focal point. You have money to make to run your business, to invest and to live a pleasant unlimited free life. Therefore, work on your entrepreneurial attitude. See opportunities instead of bears on the road. Focus on your niche, work on your own BRAND and don't become a one-size-fits-all. By making yourself opMARKable, customers will choose you. In addition, focus on a distinctive marketing and sales strategy and become the expert your top client is waiting for. Adding value is guaranteed to pay off in sales. 

Also think about your earning model. Can you make your money differently than you do now? Can you make a shift from hourly billing to an amount based on your added high value. 

For financial freedom, you don't have to rely solely on one earning model. There are so many ways you can make money. Think about investing, affiliate marketing or teaching an (online) course. 

Find more here inspiring financial ideas to financially sound business. 

Tip 4: Work on your mental health

By being mentally healthy, your memory works better, your concentration is where it needs to be and you have a better learning ability. And it also helps you deal with setbacks. Something you can really use as an entrepreneur. Yet many entrepreneurs do not have a healthy mental health. They have negative thoughts about themselves, their business and their offerings, find prioritizing difficult and have no strategy or goals. Once you're in a negative spiral, it's hard to get out. Fortunately, you can do something about it.

By working on your mental health, your business will flourish. And it comes down to a few things. Do more of what turns you on, focus on the positive and do new things. Playing sports also helps you feel better mentally. You produce endorphins, serotonin and dopamine while exercising. Endorphins make you feel happy and euphoric and reduce pain. Serotonin also makes you feel happy, regulates your appetite, sleep and mood and dopamine makes you motivated to keep going, it gives a rewarding feeling and makes you happy. Check out more tips for your mental health

Tip 5: Prepare well

They do say "good preparation is half the battle" and so it is. Prepare your week, your month and your year. What goals do you want to achieve and what do you need to do to achieve them? Is there work that you would be better off outsourcing and which tasks energize you? In addition to your work, plan your calendar with exercise times and time to prepare and eat healthy nutritious meals. Think already about what you will eat in the coming week, make a shopping list for this, and prepare certain dishes already and freeze them. That way, during a busy work week, you don't reach for an unhealthy meal, but your healthy, homemade nutritious meal from the freezer. 

Prepare for exercising by already putting the moments in your calendar. Take the exercise appointment with yourself as seriously as any other time. Make it even easier on yourself by getting your gym clothes ready in advance or exercise with someone. 

When you feel yourself energized and unique, you win even more in business and private life. Run your life and your business on your terms, so that you not only feel like a winner, but are a winner. Your physical and mental energy are the solid foundation of your business. Are you feeling sick and unhealthy? Then this also radiates to your business. Discover more tips for healthy and fit business here

Bonus tip: Grow your business healthily by being MOMARKED on LinkedIn

Healthy business is not working harder, but working smarter. And don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with working hard. I love my work. My time is precious and in the time I work, I want to make as much impact as possible and do the right actions at the right time to achieve my goals. 

The profit is in by achieving more in less time, because you make more sales calls with your energy, unique value and in connection with your top clients. As a result, you gain in time, energy and make more impact. Thanks to my Online Masterclass More Reach on LinkedIn - How do you get noticed on LinkedIn everything starts flowing and you get more warm leads and your top clients.

For example, during this Masterclass HOW TO:

  • On LinkedIn, position yourself distinctively so that you will be MUSTered by your top clients.
  • Attract your top clients.
  • Get in touch with your top clients and generate sales calls from this contact.
  • Expand your network every week with your top clients and other connections that enrich your network.
  • Employ other (little-used) strategies to connect with your top customers.
  • Create interesting content that increases your visibility, markets and sells your TRUE offerings without using discounts and other sell-out tricks.

Do you want this? Then sign up here

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