Endowment Effect_how people value what they (psychologically experienced to) possess more than what they do not (yet) possess.
Endowment effect_how people value what they (psychologically experienced to) possess more than what they do not (yet) possess.

Don't leave value on the table because you are worth it

Everyone tells you that you must be of value to remain relevant and successful. But what if the other person does not see your value and you are valued.

Values are like fingerprints. Nobody's are the same, but you leave 'em all over everything you do
- Elvis Presley -

Your value is remarkable property, as are your fingerprints

We all have different standards, values, beliefs and priorities. Our potential and energy also influence our choices, actions and relationships. 

So see your value as that which only you possess and from which you can apply all your knowledge, expertise, methods, etc., in your own way and with your energy. 

And once you strongly establish, reinforce and present your value to your peers, your top clients and other leaders you want to work with, then you are the incomparable leader. Who gets noticed, gets appreciated and stays relevant.

Value creation: innovate and grow

I see many leaders and entrepreneurs, struggling to position themselves remarkably and distinctively in the marketplace. 

When I look at their marketing, presentation and promises made, these are often the texts you can actually put on any brand. They also have minimal visibility, keep themselves small and are not in the right position, so they are not seen and therefore cannot be valued.

By the way, this applies to leaders and executives as well as entrepreneurs. Because even if, as a leader, you do not fully utilize your value in your company (internally), are given the space to deploy and have a hard time presenting yourself as a strong leader, that is also where you miss new opportunities for promotion and growth.

As an Executive Coach and Strategic Business Partner, I love supporting, advising and working with leaders, executives and top business owners during the change process - whether that results in advancing their leadership, magnifying their value and strengths and how to leverage them, and/or figuring out the next step in their career and business. All of these assignments are special in their own way for growth on a personal and business level.(Based on Subscription model, 1:1 coaching and exclusive Business Club)

This shows that they find it difficult to say what makes them different, of added value. What value do they have to offer? Why customers should buy from them instead of the competition. Or why you "deserve" that promotion, that new growth. And that is a big challenge in today's market, where there is a high supply and many new developments (including technological developments and Artificial Intelligence) and new entrants. Challenging times to stay relevant and future-proof.  

The companies that score high on value creation and innovation have more dedicated top customers and therefore sustained and profitable growth. Because they invest, innovate and keep innovating (including with AI) to create new value. And what it gets them is shown in the ROI (Return on Investment) below:

Create new value by looking at your ROI

Also read: The future is now: The secret of the most innovative companies

How do you become the leader who is seen, heard and appreciated for the value you have to offer?

Knowing what makes you remarkable and incomparable is not an easy task. It takes time and the willingness to (continue to) explore it. Because just like your strategy, your positioning is not static and therefore not written in stone. You are growing and developing as a person and that represents new value. Which directly affects your strategy, your position and value proposition. And this is where many leaders and entrepreneurs leave value and growth on the table.

Only at some point, you don't see the big picture and usually don't get anywhere with it. You stagnate in your growth. We all have our own "dyke of sameness. Something about blind spots that prevent you from getting to that core and looking over your own 'Dyke'. Not being able to see over what is possible and what new opportunities and growth possibilities are possible for you. In other words - value that you are currently missing. And therefore your ROI is lower than you are worth.

How high is your ROI? Does it represent your value? Or are you leaving value on the table?

And how can you create new value, stay relevant and grow profitably (ROI)? Then first assess your current value and value proposition. What defines your earth and in what areas can you create new value?

What determines your value of your service, your value-driven offering?

Your value is the relationship between what you do, why you do it, how you do it and who benefits from it. This together is your value proposition. Your value proposition consists of several parts and in short it comes down to this:

  • Problem- A limitation or challenge that causes "pain" if not resolved.
  • Solution - An end result that allows your client to solve the problem and also to grow and take new steps.
  • Framework- A system (= your framework - method) that cultivates knowledge, skills and awareness to bridge the gap between problem and solution.
  • Customers - The number of people who "suffer" from the problem and can benefit from your solution and are ready to receive the clarity to act.

Your value shines through in the impact you create with your potential, your energy and the results you achieve. Results for yourself and your clients. 

This is a tangible result of your leadership. And requires you to create space for continued learning, for innovation, creation and implementation. To overcome new challenges as a strong leader and achieve your goals far beyond what was previously thought possible. Think about your "dyke of rightness" again.

This commitment to continuous learning and development is not just about keeping up, it is also about taking the lead in creating resilient, innovative and high-performing/collaborative teams (and/or freelancers you work with), your operations and strategic business processes. 

As you reflect on your leadership remember that leadership is not a destination, but an ongoing journey of growth, change and adaptation. In this way, you will not only be in your right place - your strong position as a visionary leader, but also inspire others to reach their highest potential. Working together, inspiring each other, making each other stronger, more innovative and successful. 

Achieve more by working smarter strategically. Then you not only build a successful business, a shining career, then you build a legacy (legacy) of impact, innovation and leadership

Continue to innovate and create new value to grow. Both on a personal and business level. Allowing your value proposition to remain incomparably strong and relevant now and in the future. 

Don't leave value on the table because you are worth it. 

 One Life. Lead it. Live it.

Have a great week,


How can you work with me?

  1. Tailored Strategic Consulting - No need for a long-term collaboration? But do you need concrete and quick strategic advice, which you can start working with immediately afterwards? Can be scheduled directly for 1 hour or 1 day. 
  2. Program Unlimited Freedom - 16 weeks 
    In 16 weeks a remarkable leadership position, incomparable value proposition and profitable growth strategy, so you know exactly what you need to do to grow. In 16 Weeks Grow in Impact, Revenue & Freedom.
  3. Premium Executive & Leadership coaching - from 6 months based on subscription model. Completely free, based on your needs, I stand beside you as a strategic business partner and mentor. As a Leader of your Future where unlimited freedom to live and do business on your terms. Invest and grow in your value, the value of your business and the value of your financial future.
  4. Women & Leadership - 5* Business Club
    An exclusive Women Leadership Business Club is a community focused on visionary leadership, networking, cocreation, value-driven entrepreneurship and empowerment. Both online and offline (collaboration and networking), Business meetings, Masterminds, Guest Speakers, company visits and mentoring. For highly educated women leaders in business and entrepreneurs who want to grow both personally and professionally.

For more impact, revenue and freedom to run your life and business on your terms.

Empowered Women Empowering Women
