Saving time as an entrepreneur
By saving time as an entrepreneur, you keep more time for strategic decisions.

Saving time as an entrepreneur: 7 practical tips

"I have too few hours in a day." It's a comment I often hear from my clients. I understand where the feeling comes from, but I think in many cases this is not true. I find in practice that much of the problem can be solved by Work more productively and efficiently. With these 7 practical tips are you going to save time as an entrepreneur. Apply these and you then have the pleasant choice: you will work less or you will have more time for new projects. The choice is yours! Saving time as an entrepreneur and spending your time on the things that matter:

Tip 1: Get insight into your energy distribution

Many entrepreneurs do tasks that don't make them happy. For example, they think they should be able to and do the bookkeeping themselves, even though they think it is a terrible task. In practice, entrepreneurs often put off the task, only to pick it up reluctantly. While they are at it, it feels like a block. As a result, it becomes a real energy eater! As an entrepreneur, the trick is to discover what you are good at and what energizes you. Of course, you have to do those tasks yourself. This ensures that your energy level stays high. Everything that takes energy you get rid of or outsource. 

Tip 2: Dare to outsource tasks

Don't like a task at all, but need it done? Dare to outsource it. In some cases it turns out that the time you save by outsourcing can be invested in a task that you are very good at and that gives you energy. In most cases, that actually pays off more than it costs. And should the cost of outsourcing be higher, at least you will have peace of mind and more time to spend on things that really matter and that give you energy. And that's priceless...

And now with all the developments in Artificial Intelligence and new AI tools being introduced to the market every day, this is a tool par excellence that can take your tasks off your hands. I use multiple AI tools in my business, saving a lot of time and costs on a monthly basis. From my career in commercial business and data analytics, I have many years of experience in this field. And just that experience and my keen interest in business innovation, technology and growth, is, this provides great opportunities and growth possibilities for me, as well as my clients.

Read more here: Program Unlimited Freedom

Tip 3: Make a daily top three priority list

We all recognize it: you start up your laptop and all the new emails get your full attention. All the new (short) to-do's prevent you from getting to the tasks you had in your head. This makes you feel restless. Many entrepreneurs describe it as, "I've been extremely busy, but I don't really know what with." Therefore, it is advisable to start the day with a top three priority list. Got it down? Then make sure you can't be disturbed by your phone, email or colleagues, for example. This way you can productively and effectively complete your priority list, no matter what.

You will find that it gives you a tremendously fulfilled feeling as soon as you complete it. And you know what? You often have time left over at the end of the day!

Tip 4: Evaluate weekly and monthly

Structure, structure, structure. Many are averse to it, but we thrive best on it. So make sure you teach yourself to evaluate weekly and monthly. What went well and what needs to be changed? This allows yourself to set goals. And goals are important to maintain focus, avoid procrastination, keep track of what action you need to do at the right time to achieve your goals, and so it ensures that you move forward in small steps. Through evaluation, you also discover where you spend unnecessary time. That insight enables you to apply changes that make you more productive. 

Also read my blog about Notion and other AI tools you can use to work more productively.

Tip 5: Stop multitasking

Posting a social media post during a Zoom meeting, sending an email while listening to a voicemail message or meeting during lunch. Multitasking seems nice and efficient, right? Research shows that nothing could be further from the truth. University professor Paul A. Kirschner tells popular science magazine Quest That your brain does not immediately move on when you go back from one thing to another.

Compare it to reading a difficult book. When you start again, sometimes you have to go back a page. "That's your penalty for trying to multitask," Kirschner says. He advises, "try to finish one task first, then move on to the next one. So save time by stopping multitasking. After all, it exhausts you and doesn't do much good!

Tip 6: Block one day in your calendar each week

Block a day in your calendar each week for time for yourself. Me-time is what we call it these days. This is the time when you can recharge through a sports session or a massage, for example. Time for yourself can also be working "on" your business, rather than for your business. It allows you to zoom out and set your course. What steps do you need to take to achieve growth? By creating an overview, you know better what you need to do to achieve your goals. As a result, you won't waste unnecessary time on unimportant things. 

Tip 7: Dare to say "no

It's simple: you can save time by saying "no" at the right times. Yet many people including entrepreneurs struggle with this. A good practice is to start with small steps. Say "no" to unimportant tasks that you would normally do. By experiencing that no one is angry or offended, you learn that you can set your boundaries. By saying "no," you avoid spending unnecessary energy structurally on tasks that do not serve you or your company. So from now on, 'no' means 'yes' when it comes to more time. 

Saving even more time: Working together on your productivity and focus?

As a Business Strategist with experience in international corporate companies, I'd love to help you build an opMARKably Profitable business, in a healthy and strategically effective productive way. Want to know how this is possible for you? Ask for a strategy session to explore what is possible for you. After all, with the right mental and physical energy, you will gain even more privately and professionally.

Invest in yourself, your business and your financial freedom.

Download my Ebook In which I give you 5 onMarkably Profitable tips, which will give you gains in time, energy and impact anyway.
