Working with an executive coach a sparring partner for personal and business growth.
Working with an executive coach a sparring partner for personal and business growth.

Why not make the choice? 

Why not make the choice? 

The power of making choices

Because not choosing, in the end, will cost you much more:

  • More time you keep walking around with it. 
  • More energy due to fretting, weighing and weighing. 
  • More delay on achieving your desired results.

Pick and choose in any case.

Many choices you make subconsciously because you choose throughout the day. What you put on, what you are going to eat, what you are going to do and so on. Many times these choices come from your intuition and at some point they become routines and you don't think about them anymore.

The conscious choices you make, you make them from your cognition (reason). As soon as you become conscious of a choice, and then often the struggle begins. Then the hassle begins, the thoughts come, the gremlins who talk you into all kinds of things and try to control and keep you from making a new choice.

Because making a choice requires change. To take on something new and let go of something old. And that ignorance for what is to come, letting go of what is now and not knowing what you will get in return, that then keeps you from making the choice.

But the more you develop your awareness of your own beliefs, the more freedom of choice arises. Freedom in making a choice. And whatever you (don't) choose, both are ok. But do know that if you don't choose, it will remain as it is now. 

You do what you choose

Making right choices to do in life, the life you want to live 

Anything you choose, anything worthwhile, anything that needs attention to grow, requires change. And change first requires something "painful" to endure. Or growing pain, because if you want to change in order to grow, that involves pain. 

Do you want better relationships? Then you better be prepared to invest in them and to endure many difficult conversations.

  • It requires vulnerability and a willingness to engage in challenging conversations. It is also difficult to live on the surface with everyone around you and never experience the joy that depth can bring. The depth that makes you love inside to outside is going to live.

Do you want a strong, fit body? Then you must be willing to exercise, eat nutritiously and drink no/minimal alcohol, get enough sleep.

  • It requires hours of (muscle) painful workouts, nutritious meals and missed experiences/concessions wanting to do it. 

Do you want to be a mentally healthy person? Then you have to work on your mindset, on your rest/space and stillness to recharge.

  • It requires (so it feels at first) uncomfortable daily silence and introspection. It is even more difficult to see your mind become scattered and unfocused. Your mindset is essential in this. Keep working on your physical and mental health, whatever growth stage you are in in your life, your career, your business and your (financial) future. 

Want to make a career - develop and grow into a new position? Then also be prepared to endure hours of focused effort. To work on your strategic leadership, new skills, creating and adding new value.

  • It requires taking risks and developing a deeper self-awareness of your competencies (your potential, your value) and shortcomings. Knowing where your strengths and value lie and focusing on those. You don't want to spend most of your adult life working on a career you hate, spending time on the things that don't energize you and don't do as well, do you?

Want to financial freedom? Then also be willing to endure the "pain" of missed material pleasures while investing in your future.

  • It requires disciplined expense management and driven hard work to earn and invest in your future. It seems difficult to live from paycheck to paycheck without an escape plan, but that it is possible, I now know better than anyone. Ever since I escaped from the "golden cave" after 20 years in corporate business and started living my own life and business on my terms.

For I can say with full conviction:

Resisting those Gremlins (little voices) in your head - going against them - is not easy, but if you zoom out, and see new opportunities and growth possibilities, it is more than worth it.

Life is hard, but fortunately you can choose how hard.

Choosing to change

Wanting to change and choosing to take a new turn in your life and your business and your well-deserved career. Because deep down you know this is what you want. But then again, you have it good right? You've already accomplished a lot and achieved successes. And are you going to radically change course after all these years? That's what you keep telling yourself and keep yourself from making the choice.

Now you know what you have and you don't know what you're going to get in return. Those thoughts are still holding you back now, because letting go of control, giving up your current position ... your status you have, but where do you stand when you give up your position, go for a different path, start your own business? And never mind your current good salary and all the other fringe benefits that give you security and safety.....

People "only" take action when things start to get squishy, things really can't go on, and the situation is most painful. We take action with emotion, not logic. And then look for safety, trust and (h)recognition.


No strategy can overcome human emotion.

So don't get stuck in "I hope", "I'm going to try", "I'll start as soon as I ...". 

What choice are you currently facing? 

What change do you have to make for this? 

What emotion is holding you back from making the choice to change?

Then don't look at it from scarcity, what it will cost you (less time/energy/money)?

But look at it from abundance and profit, what does it give you (more time, energy/money)?

 One Life. Lead it. Live it.

Have a great week,


How can you work with me?

  1. Tailored Strategic Consulting - No need for a long-term collaboration? But do you need concrete and quick strategic advice, which you can start working with immediately afterwards? Can be scheduled directly for 1.5 hours or 1 day. 
  2. Program Unlimited Freedom - 16 weeks 
    In 16 weeks, a remarkable leadership position and a profitable strategy so you know exactly what you need to do to achieve your goals.
  3. Premium Program Unlimited Freedom - 6 to 12 months based on subscription model. Completely free, based on your needs I stand beside you as a strategic business partner. As Leader of your Future where unlimited free will live and do business on your terms. Investing in your value, the value of your business and the value of your financial future.
  4. Women's Business Club
    An exclusive Women Leadership BC focused on visionary leadership, networking, cocreation, value-driven entrepreneurship and empowerment. Both online and offline (collaboration and networking), Business meetings, Masterminds, guest speakers, company visits and mentoring. For highly educated, fast thinking women leaders, executives and entrepreneurs who want to grow in impact, revenue and freedom in their lives and business.