The best growth strategies for business growth in a changing market. How do you stay relevant and successful in business?
The best growth strategies for business growth in a changing market. How do you stay relevant and successful in business?

Reflecting on Success: Innovate Your Strategy for Business and Personal Growth

Times flies when you are having fun. This is something I can wholeheartedly agree with now that I can manage my own time and run my life and business on my terms. Reflecting on my career in the corporate world, I remember that this feeling was not always present. January was often a somewhat uneasy month for me; the holidays were over and a whole new year lay ahead of me, ready to be discovered.

And what I always did in January, plan all my vacation days for the coming year as strategically as possible. Because I had 20 vacation days and the possibility of buying 10 additional days. And of those vacation days, every year there were also Easter days already filled in by the company. 

January for me was always the time when I planned my vacations and determined how many days I would have to buy then.

But now, as a leader of my own company, now time flies. Because I have fun, I enjoy and feel fulfilled and appreciated. I no longer feel the need to have to plan my vacation at all. Because now as an entrepreneur, I can manage my time and energy and spend it on those things that matter. I plan my goals and revenue goals in 10 months and this way I can achieve more in less time than I achieved in business:

✅More time

✅More freedom

✅More impact and results

✅More revenue streams and more profits (also in Euros 😊) 


Are you doing those things that matter, what you are good at and energized by and making an impact (getting the results)?

My first month of the year has really flown by. And just like every month, the time when I analyze the effects of my new actions and habits and the results become clear.

I seize this moment every month and see it as an opportunity to make early adjustments.

Because let's face it.

Change is a constant

Be flexible, your strategy is not written in stone

A strategy is definitely not status so. Choose an innovative strategy, which you adapt to the conditions in the market, the needs of your customer as well as the developments and growth of yourself. 

An innovative strategy is like a compass for business and personal success over time. And that requires analysis, insight, reflection and adjusting/improving your actions. And it's the right actions, at the right time, for the right people that will make you achieve your goals.

There are a few aspects I need to re-evaluate. I am further optimizing and adjusting my business processes again, so that they match my enriched and new offerings* and improving my strategy accordingly. 

But one facet that I can confidently say needs no refinement is my leadership position and the strategic growth I am making.

I now run my life and business on my terms. I have deployed a consistent set of actions, which are already showing growing results (more top clients, sales). In addition, I have my Frameworks, which allow me to live my life and my business so - in my own way - and allow me to work with my top clients. But also that my pipeline reliably fills with new leads. 

And you, how do you look back on last month? Did you refine and adjust your strategy and actions for the coming months?

You may also have great assignments and clients coming to you/automatically walking into your business this year. That's great, because that's something where many have a big challenge.

Where many have a challenge with:

  • No new assignments and the pond of leads is empty and not being replenished.
  • Having the assignments, but not experiencing the freedom of entrepreneurship. 
  • Having the assignments, but not working with the right clients. 
  • Having the assignments but not being paid for them.

And this leads to loss of direction in your life because leadership is out of control, experiencing lack in time, energy and freedom.

In short, this is not why you live right?

But what do you do if are not making that impact you want to make right now, would like to make more sales next year and realize more time for yourself/freedom in your life and business? 

Then I challenge you to really think now about your ambitions, why you do what you do and where you would like to be in 1 year, 3 years and at the end of your life and want to leave behind. What is your Legacy? 

Did you read my Empowered Letters about Essentialism missed? Here I describe the 3 Frameworks to determine the essence of your life.

The decisions you make now will be shaped in the coming months.

So, what goals do you want to accomplish by 2024 and how do you want to lead your life and your business so that you do make an impact, make more revenue and stand strong as a leader in your life and your business?

Will you stay where you are? Or do you grab that new leadership role? Are you going for promotion in your life and in your business?

Do you keep complaining about lack of new opportunities, missing the challenge, not experiencing satisfaction and depth anymore, or the disappointing results/turnovers, lack of time and energy?

Impact, Growth and Freedom - you can choose to win again.

If it is to be, it is up to me.

There is always a choice.

One Life. Lead it. Live it. ❤️

Have a great week,


How can you work with me?

  1. Tailored Strategic Consulting 
    No need for a long-term collaboration? But do you need concrete and quick strategic advice, which you can start working with immediately afterwards? Can be scheduled directly for 1.5 hours or 1 day. 
  2. Program Unlimited Freedom - 16 weeks 
    In 16 weeks, a remarkable leadership position and a profitable strategy so you know exactly what you need to do to achieve your goals.
  3. Premium Program Unlimited Freedom - 6 to 12 months based on subscription model. Completely free, based on your needs I stand beside you as a strategic business partner. As Leader of your Future where unlimited free will live and do business on your terms. Investing in your value, the value of your business and the value of your financial future.
  4. Women's Business Club
    An exclusive Women Leadership BC focused on visionary leadership, networking, cocreation, value-driven entrepreneurship and empowerment. Both online and offline (collaboration and networking), Business meetings, Masterminds, Guest Speakers, company visits and mentoring. For women leaders in business and top business and highly educated professionals. 