
Growing and innovating

Growing and innovating as an entrepreneur: here's why it's important

Growing and innovating as an entrepreneur: why is it important? When you choose to grow as an entrepreneur, you must innovate. This is because innovations create GREAT opportunities and are crucial to the survival, growth and success of your business. Innovating contributes to finding real solutions and meeting challenges. As far as I am concerned, growth and innovation are inseparable. Without innovation, there is no growth. In this

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Are you an entrepreneur? Work on your mental health with these five tips

Mental health: five tips to stay mentally fit as an entrepreneur

Mental health: five tips for staying mentally fit as an entrepreneur I regularly speak to people who have gone into business to experience more freedom. Freedom in what they do, when they do it and how much they do it. Once started, this often turns out to be a difficult task. As an entrepreneur you are a jack-of-all-trades and many subjects demand your attention. Not surprisingly, a study shows that 72 percent

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Raising prices as an entrepreneur

Raising prices as an entrepreneur: these are the important do's!

Raising prices as an entrepreneur: these are the important do's! When was the last time you raised your prices? Let me guess: you did it around the turn of the year because you felt you needed to pick a logical time to raise your prices. Or maybe you didn't do it at all because you have the belief that you can't charge a higher rate within your industry. Yet it

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Working smarter is going to save you more time and money as an entrepreneur.

Work smarter, not harder: here's how to get more done in a day

Let me get right to the point: you probably do a lot of things that don't matter much. In fact, chances are that up until now you have felt that everything is very important. In many cases, this means you are working hard, but not always smart. In this blog, I'd like to give you concrete tips on how to work smarter, not harder. The 80/20 rule and

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Discover your distinctiveness using this step-by-step plan


Have you ever noticed? Many people have an entrepreneurial dream. Some have this dream because of a concrete business idea and some love the idea of entrepreneurship an sich. Especially people in the latter category wait endlessly until they have laid the "egg of Columbus. They search for the idea that no one has had before. I can tell you; that rarely happens. The secret is to start

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determining your rates: What prices should I charge?

3 Tips on setting your rates: What prices should I charge?

"What rate would you attach to this?" Should I have a Q&A bingo card, this one is definitely on it. For many entrepreneurs, setting their prices can be tricky. Do you fully calculate your time and cost investment or just pick a price? And when do you boldly name your price? I'm happy to help you determine your rates and give you tips in the process. What are you

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9 Tips: learn to delegate and let go like the best of them

Are you interested in this blog about delegating and letting go? Congratulations! That means you are most likely already doing a lot of work. Delegating and letting go of tasks seems easy, but people who have experience with this often know that it can be a difficult process. Still, sharing responsibilities and outsourcing work can ultimately pay you a lot of dividends. Not only in time, but also in energy AND

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Need help delegating and letting go? I offer 8 practical tips so it will pay big dividends for you.

Doing business profitably from passion and potential: here's how!

Doing business from passion and potential: this is how you do it! I often see it in practice: entrepreneurs already have one or several careers behind them until they decide they have drifted away from their passion. They have the guts to quit their regular job and start their own business. But then the challenge often really begins. Because how do you do business from passion and potential?

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Healthy and fit business

Healthy and fit business: 8 practical tips

You started your business from an intrinsic motivation. You're the type who pushes hard and doesn't mind working extra nights and weekends or giving up an hour at the gym for a business call. That drive doesn't hurt your bottom line: you manage to get your business into the green. Yet this is not wise. When you

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Saving time as an entrepreneur

Saving time as an entrepreneur: 7 practical tips

"I have too few hours in a day." It's a comment I often hear from my clients. I understand where the feeling comes from, but I think in many cases this is not true. I find in practice that much of the problem can be solved by working more productively and efficiently. With these 7 practical tips, you're going to save time when

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