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Doing business profitably from passion and potential: here's how!

Doing business from passion and potential: this is how you do it!

I see it often in practice: entrepreneurs already have one or several careers behind them until they decide they have drifted away from their passion. They have the guts to quit their regular job and start for themselves. But then the challenge often really begins. Because how do you do business from passion and potential and how do you make money with it? In this blog I will tell you how to passion and potential goes into business

Passion and potential attracts customers

Many people talk about entrepreneurship from passion. I like to add entrepreneurship from your potential. Doing business solely from passion is fun, but in many cases it does not build a large, impactful company. It is therefore important to discover where your strengths lie in addition to your passion. In this way you can earn your money with something you not only enjoy but also find easy to do. And shall I tell you a secret? This is the golden formula for an attractive business! Clients get excited by your fire. This is because they notice that you are authentic. 

Your potential lies in the combination of doing what you are good at, what energizes you and what makes an impact. It is often that which comes easily to you and which you do not immediately realize makes you outstanding. Have you noticed it? Congratulations! That brings you one step closer to a successful business. 

Combine your passion and potential

You probably know them: those entrepreneurs who talk so convincingly about their business. As soon as it comes to that, their enthusiasm and conviction fills the entire room. I would venture to bet money that these are people who have made their turning passion and potential into a business. Haven't found the golden formula between your passion and potential yet? Try to get it on paper. In many cases, writing down your passion and combining it with the things you are good at creates a sweet spot. Often a mission also gradually flows from this, but more on that later.... 

How do I discover my passion as an entrepreneur?

I get the comment "I don't know what my passion is" on a regular basis. In practice, we often find that we drift away from our passion(s). Therefore, it is an instructive exercise to take a look at what you liked to do as a child, but what you have gradually let go of due to, for example, your studies or lack of time. After all, your passion is often what gives you that "happiness tickle. Once you recognize this passion again, you can incorporate it into your business. That makes you distinctive and attractive to clients.

An example of such a passion can be music, as evidenced by a very recent example within my coaching program. For example, I coach a successful social media coach. Her passion is music, but she wasn't really into that anymore. Together we integrated music into her business. She now uses music in her Instagram reel, music and in her workshops. She has even linked her target audience to musicians. What turns out? Her passion for music is contagious. She is now attracting more ideal clients with her enthusiasm and passion. So in short: it's definitely worth looking for your passion!

Mission, passion and potential: why is it so important?

Entrepreneurship from a mission. When you look at the websites of larger companies, you often see a clear mission in the brandstory. It is the "why" behind the company. Many people find out during their careers that they miss the "why. They would like to contribute something to the world. The 'why' is very important. It is the fuel for yourself to persevere when business is more difficult, but it also provides connection with (potential) customers who care about the same things. 

Yet sometimes a mission can also be a pitfall. As a Business Strategist, I always take a critical look at your mission. You can have a wonderful mission, but if you cannot make money from it, your mission is worth little. Money is energy and thus the fuel for the engine that allows you to live your mission. 

As an entrepreneur, how do I discover my mission?

I also regularly coach clients who are entrepreneurial but don't know what their mission is. I know by now that discovering your mission is not always easy. A question I always ask my clients is, "What do you want to be known for when you're gone?" It's a direct question, but it often clarifies what you value in life. A mission often flows from these conversations with clients. 

A profitable business from passion

We all want make a profit. We even have to. Because without profit there is no right to exist. Or without enough revenue, it remains a glorified hobby. When you more sales want, you have to do what you are darn good at, what energizes you and makes an impact. When that's your fundamental foundation, it earns you guaranteed financial gains as well as gains in time, energy and impact. You are valued at valued prices. The value you offer customers makes people want to pay for it, namely a valued price. 

Those of you who have known me longer than today know that I value time gain as well. By really doing what you are darn good at (your potential), then that saves time. It also costs you less energy. An important win-win!  

Your mindset also plays an important role here. Read more about this in my article: Entrepreneur Mindset: What mindset suits success.

Working together on your productivity and focus?

As a Business Strategist with experience in international corporate business, I like to help you build a successful business, in a healthy and strategically effective way. Not harder, just strategically smart business, so you can spend your time and energy on the things that matter.

Want to know how this is possible for you? Ask for a strategy session to explore what is possible for you. 
