Leadership Unlimited Freedom program, a new strategy for business and personal growth
Leadership Unlimited Freedom program, a new strategy for business and personal growth

The power of leadership to grow personally and professionally

Leadership in your life, work and business. Living your own life and having the freedom to do what you are good at and what energizes you. But what if fear rules your life and you let your fear rule your life? In I go into conversation (podcast link at the bottom of this blog) with my client Heleen Kruitbosch - coach and therapist anxiety management. A successful entrepreneur, she participated in my program 'Unlimited Freedom' where she not only successfully marketed her brand and new offerings, but also experienced significant personal and business growth. I had the pleasure of engaging with Heleen during this podcast. How my client Heleen Kruitbosch has successfully marketed herself as a strong brand and her new offering to grow again, you can hear it here.

Strategic leadership, the start of a successful entrepreneurial journey

Heleen, the driving force behind Fear Management, candidly shares about her ambitions and how she made crucial decisions during our collaboration. She reveals how she positioned herself in the market with her innovative offerings and also overcame obstacles, such as visibility issues on social media. Engaging and inspiring, the interview offers a glimpse into Helen's world, her thriving business and the successful collaboration we shared.

Collaborating for growth: Increasing value creation and refining your offerings

Heleen began as an independent entrepreneur after years of working in salaried employment. With a clear mission and vision of how she wanted to position her offering, Heleen set out to find strategic insight and a growth plan that would help her realize more impact and revenue. That's where our paths crossed. The beginning of our collaboration was all about defining Heleen's mission, vision and (pre)values to strengthen her leadership position. As a leader of both her life and her business and so that she could grow again both professionally and personally.

We then worked on her value and strengthened her value proposition. By her making strategic choices in her customer strategy and product strategy.

Leading positioning for increased visibility

A turning point was Heleen's effort to increase her online visibility. Although initially hesitant about social media, Heleen found a balance between authenticity and effectiveness. Together, we worked to create strategic content that suited both her and her target audience. The results were remarkable: from staying under the radar to powerful, engaging posts, including the courageous "confessing color" post that garnered high praise.

The importance of leadership for strong positioning in your life and business. How to strengthen your positioning and what is the result of rock-solid positioning?

Leadership, Innovation and growth in your life and business. So that you can live and do business future-proof and financially free on your terms.

How strong are you in your position now? Both your psoition where you are now in your life, in your career and your future position?

Positioning is not only about claiming your position, but also about creating your own playing field for new possibilities and opportunities in your life and business.

Want to work on (re)positioning to be stronger as a leader in that position where you are strong and can continue to grow?

Plan a strategy conversation with me and we'll discuss how you can realize your leadership, value and growth - personal, business and your financial future.

Live your life on your terms and grow in impact, revenue and freedom.

Leadership, pricing and money mindset: Overcoming personal obstacles

Another important aspect of Helen's entrepreneurial journey was the challenge of setting her rates. The transition from working more hours to a different revenue model required overcoming personal beliefs and insecurities. Heleen embraced this process and made choices that fit her value and target audience. The result was not only a clear pricing structure for her new offerings, but also growing recognition of the value she provides.

Powerful marketing strategy and your message for attracting the right audience

A particular highlight of our collaboration was Heleen's powerful post on LinkedIn about attracting people who had already tried many things in dealing with anxiety. This post reflected not only her expertise, but also her dedication to helping people stuck in traditional approaches. The effect of this post was stunning and reinforced Heleen's confidence in her own path, her leadership and value.

Heleen's entrepreneurial journey is an inspiration to many, and her story highlights the importance of self-development, transformational leadership, making choices, strategic thinking and embracing challenges. As a coach, entrepreneur and visionary, Heleen Kruitbosch has not only marketed her offerings, but has embraced the power of her own personal growth. Success is measured not only in numbers, but also in personal transformation and impact.

Listen the podcast and discover Heleen's journey and be inspired by the opportunities for growth and success she reveals.
